Will identity work in serverconnect to execute another query

i have a database insert in serverconnect and have used setvalue to trap the id of the newly created record just like the university video example. I am trying to use that id to execute another database insert step within the same serverconnect file. For example with the new client id, I need to create an event record. which will have an event_id. as well as the client_id. I then need to create several project records from the newly created event_id which will have the event_id and client_ids as well. Only the first insert client creation record works at the moment. Does “identity” not work for subsequent serverconnect steps? I thought it did.


“Identity” should remain available throughout the server action but if course each insert query will generate it’s own identity so make sure you pick the correct one by reference to the query name.
Should be no need to bother with using set value to store the identity, it will be available from the picker throughout the action.


thank you, i got it work beautifully now. My main challenge was that I had to insert records into a new table when a record was added to another table. To make both tables visible in serverconnect without using a form, I had to use a repeat and that threw me a bit, but it worked.
