I’m trying to implement a white label solution for multiple subdomains using a wildcard * (eg *.domain.com). My dns config is on digital ocean. I am using docker to deploy. Traefik is working fine. I configured the dns already to have the *.domain.com to point to my server, however I keep getting a 404 page not found error. I believe the issue is that I need to edit the docker compose yml file to include the following. Is there anyway someone can help me through this that has successfully used wildcards through traefik to get ssl working? Thanks
Honestly, if you don't have a "degree in Traefik" (like me), here's what I'd do:
Create a new droplet (VPS), install Caddy server (using the apt install approach as documented in their website), configure it to reverse proxy to your current droplet IP address and configure the wildcard stuff
It's an intermediary solution...
Sorry, it isn't easy to do it right either, but I'd rather that than deal with Traefik
Thank you I will give it a crack. Will this affect my current traefik setup or config?
I’m gobsmacked that Wappler doesn’t have wildcard support for traefik as I can see in other posts that it is needed. Instead of them working on ui and ux upgrades I hope they turn to actual functions that we need.
No if it's just for testing. For actual serious production usage you'd want to configure Traefik to accept X-Forwarded-Ip header from your 2nd droplet, but I don't know how to help you with that
Yes it will work, but there's a downside that you'll have to solve sooner or later (basically you won't be able to get your user's IP address till you fix it)
Ok thank you for your advice. So frustrating that this could easily be fixed if Wappler supported wildcard domain with traefik. Surely it should not be this complicated to setup
Agreed. There are quite a few outstanding bugs and the forums are not a suitable means for tracking issues as the Wappler team has been doing. I hear JIRA is pretty good.
As for your specific issue, it may not be a Wappler issue--the traefik application gets installed from a package manager. If you can figure out the correct configuration for traefik, you can edit the yml file directly. Keep a backup of the original, and definitely keep a backup of the file once you get it working because Wappler has a habit of overwriting custom yml files. Before each deploy, check the yml file to make sure it's the version you want until you get more comfortable deploying.
I use this approach (custom yml) for docker volumes on my digital ocean droplet and as long as I don't do anything within Wappler that affects the Resource Manager, I'm ok.
I don't think this is true for Traefik installed by Wappler. Containers join a common Docker network (wappler-proxy I think) to be accessible by Traefik (I guess)
I’m encountering an issue where requests to a subdomain (hello.monergise.com.au) result in a 301 Moved Permanently redirect back to itself, creating a redirect loop. This happens even though I haven’t explicitly set up any middleware or routing rules to enforce such redirects.
My Setup:
Hosting Environment:
Using Docker with Caddy as a reverse proxy.
Caddy handles SSL certificates (Let’s Encrypt)
Could Wappler’s routing or internal middleware be contributing to these redirects? If so, how can I debug or resolve this? Alternatively, has anyone encountered similar behavior when using Caddy with Wappler?
Most likely this is an HTTP to HTTPS redirect by Traefik. Is there an option in Wappler to disable HTTP to HTTPS?
Alternatively you could configure Caddy to connect through HTTPS (even though you might run into another problem concerning certificate validation if you don't configure correctly)