I would like the menu, if I don’t select anything in particular, to show me the complete query
I don’t know how to set the wildcard value (I refer to below post, which I had done for a similar problem but with a text field and ‘%’)
If I understand correctly, you need to ignore the post value of the select input if it is not set.
Is this right?
If yes, then use the toggle condition inside your Query builder conditions (see example below)
Hi @famousmag!
I have to do custom query, can’t make simple. so this is the code I wrote:
SELECT demil.isprev.data AS dataisprev, demil.isprev.codice AS codisprev, demil.isprev.note1, demil.isprev.numdoc, demil.conti.[desc] AS contidesc, demil.isprev.finito, demil.isprev.sincronizzato, demil.utenti.[desc] AS descagente
FROM ((demil.isprev INNER JOIN demil.conti ON demil.conti.codice = isprev.codice) INNER JOIN demil.utenti ON demil.conti.codag = demil.utenti.codag)
WHERE demil.isprev.codag = :P1 /* {{$_GET.agentifrm}} */ AND demil.isprev.finito = 1
ORDER BY isprev.numdoc DESC