Why I stopped creating PHP projects with Wappler and why you probably should too

Did a bit of a survey of node a while back here

Only 47 people voted which leads me to think that the majprity of Wappler users either don’t use the forum much, are not interested or perhaps too confused/ intimidated to interact.

My current new project is Node, previously mostly PHP, did use legacy ASP for many years.
If i recall ASP was replaced by .net framework about 20 years ago but people still use it.

PHP is still a force to be reckoned with. for many reasons not least it drives WordPress which is dominant on the web at present.
PHP keeps evolving, getting faster and feature rich, I am not yet ready to write it off as soon to be dead. I predict we will still see it as a major player in 10 years personally.

Yes, node is great but PHP is a proven platform. Remember the old adage, “nobody ever got fired for buying IBM”, may not be the best but is is proven and dependable.

I am not yet ready to write off PHP.


I’m with you on this, @Hyperbytes. I’ve been using PHP for over 20 years and it is way too established to write it off. And with v8 out recently, it’s clearly not approaching end of life.

NodeJS may have been around for 10+ years but, in my view, is still relatively new and I don’t (yet) have the confidence it will be around for a long time to come. It just feels like it’s the latest thing and there will soon be something else. I never got on board Ruby but that feels like it’s past it.

I will say, though, that I’m certainly no expert on these. Knowledgable of PHP but barely touched anything else (apart from ASP in the nineties).

I’m seeing NodeJS getting the spotlight at Wappler so I’m keen to transition to it but I need to build something and deploy it to gain the confidence needed to actually use it for real. That will come, I’m sure, but I’m not quite there yet.


It might seem this is a direct attack Jon, but it’s not. I am just quoting you because a lot of people pushing nodejs back have a similar background as you.

And that is a problem. Shared by a lot of Wappler’s from what I see.

That is what is holding back the product IMHO.

What I don’t understand from the backgrounds of PHP advocates here is that after so many years of coding in PHP they don’t feel comfortable switching to another one.

In 20 years I’ve touched a dozen of programming languages. Sure I am not an specialist in any of them, but I’ve got my fundamentals quite right to be able to comfortably learn a new one and become a specialist in 1-2 years at the most. And I’m not even talking about Wappler which actually negates the need of learning the language for about 90% of the things by abstracting all that with their UI and SC framework.

Additionally a lot of people are scared of nodejs while they use javascript constantly in the frontend. It is the same damn language!

I see a lot of contradiction in this topic and I can only conclude it’s a mix of fear and laziness.

On the other side, and this should embarras a lot of us @ben is jumping on every single new tech he can get his hands on: PWA, nodejs, etc

Guys, please quit holding back Wappler. There is so much potential in the software and the team but they clearly need some help from us so they can focus on newer and better tech so they can continue relevant in the business and grow while staying agile and so close to the community.

Next project: choose nodejs.


OK, I will do that. It means some monthly costs (shared hosting works perfectly for PHP-based projects but not NodeJS) but I will get another droplet from DO and go with NodeJS for the next project.

But you’ll be the one to get the daft questions from me, @JonL :wink:


And I will be glad to answer them to the best of my knowledge!

Edit: a $5/monthly DO droplet will give you more juice to power more nodejs sites than the same amount of money spent on a traditional shared host. That’s a guarantee.

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Also wondering if there is an opportunity here for a shared node hosting to bring about a new era of shared hosting :).

I’ve worked in PHP since 2003.
PHP & MySQL dynamic sites, many used image galleries.
Transferring a website’s php pages & mysql database to a completely different hosting server was simple!
I’ve put PHP projects on hosting all over the USA, Mexico, Germany, Austria, etc.

All this ying-yang about the backend complexities, yada, yada, is not the main obstacle when checking out a Linux based Apache mounted hosting service. Only occasionally did I run into a situation where I had to rewrite some key functions because the latest PHP upgrade on a hosting server had improvements in connections & more robust & expanded functions.

The majority of WordPress installations run on PHP & MySQL for the reason that it is globally available. asp.net is the tech that could not match PHP in ease of use and to me, performance.

BUT the BIG issue is the NODE.JS hosting.
Quite apparently, with all of the apps being developed requiring Node servers, hosting companies apparently think that NODE is such a complex beast that they must charge for it like a gourmet dish at an upscale Parisian restaurant.

Google for Node hosting, especially for node hosting that can be run on less expensive Shared Hosting, and it seems to be an impossiblity to offer the same wide range of possibilities available to the PHP & MySQL environment.

Why in the HECK is such a popular tool in the “stack” of app development as Node service so universally RARE & EXPENSIVE? THAT is my #1 Beef with switching to Node!

I have googled extensively year after year for node hosting and it is only THIS year that I begin to find hosting that is finally geared for developers to experiment with and learn from.

For me, if I’m to use Wappler for learning Node app development, it is essential to match my local node server on my Mac with a REMOTE host. With PHP it was sooo easy. Shared hosting at a better PHP hosting service was quite sufficient for the majority of small business sites and easy to play with immediately. That way if I found the techies had done something that required a different htaccess or .ini file setting it was accomplished within the hour.

So, blah, blah – In a few cases I’ve uploaded to managed PHP & database servers for performance & the client paid for the upgrade. I realize developers here working for commercial clients don’t worry about the shared vs more expensive managed server plans.

So, after all this – please tell us, what are the Top 10 Node hosting with NoSQL or MySQL(node access to mysql is a doable thing) Hosting companies?

Thank you for bringing me up to speed on this essential issue.


And this is a problem that is little talked about. For some reason, it is believed that cloud solutions are a panacea for everyone. And this is not so. There are a lot of reasons, from constructive to psychological, for which many people can not or do not want to connect to cloud providers. A solution is needed where any Wappler project (in particular nodejs) can be placed anywhere the developer wants. And it should be simple. Also just like PHP.

If a developer has been working with their local hosting for more than 10 years and has an excellent relationship with it, and is completely satisfied with the quality of services, they should be able to place their new project on new technologies quickly and easily with this hosting. If the developer’s client requires you to place a new project in a specific location, it should be possible to do it simply.

I have already raised this issue in the topic about CapRover. That integrating CapRover into Wappler would solve the hosting issue once and for all for all developers at once. Perhaps there are other, better solutions. But until there is a simple and most importantly universal solution for hosting a nodejs project anywhere, a mass transition to it will be impossible.

To sum up, we need a universal, simple and cheap way to place nodejs projects anywhere. Then new projects on nodejs will appear like mushrooms after the rain.

A possible solution is CapRover with integration into Wappler. Then you could have your own hosting of any projects anywhere.

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It is NOT finding a universal (supported by the MAJORITY of webhosting companies) STANDARD that matches the cost and ubiquity of PHP that keeps me developing in php & mysql.


Let’s start by setting some references.

What would you guys consider expensive hosting? In monthly terms.

And how many webs would you host there? What kind of traffic is expected?

That is a problem of the provider, not of nodejs. If they continue without supporting newer tech they will go out of business soon enough. Someone will come and eat their piece of the pie. Then you will have to look for another and suddenly those 10 years mean nothing.

Additionally, that provider would have to support docker for caprover to work. Which is is more daunting for some providers than just activating the node switch in cpanel.


Oracle Cloud: 0€/month
50Gb SSD

Scaleway: 1,75€/Month

Hertzner: 3€/Month
1 vCPU

Contabo: 5€/Month
4 vCPU

You have access to node, docker and of course caprover.

If these options are expensive I really don’t know what you are expecting :slight_smile:

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I also have a great relationship with my host who has supplied me with a reseller account. This is where I host all of my projects whether it is PHP or NodeJS

All it needs is a friendly chat accompanied by a Cognac and a cigar :laughing:


Sorry forgot to add one hosting option.

Your average shared host: X €/month
0.01 vCPU
256MB RAM(if you are lucky)
XXGB of old HDD about to fail

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With the price, everything is simple. This should be equivalent to the current PHP virtual hosting price. Depending on the country of location, prices will vary, but I think the cost will always be in the range of 3-8 US dollars for 20-30 sites.

The load is not taken into account now. The reason is simple. If the project has a load, then there will be a budget. In this case, you can rent a separate server specifically for this project.

This is rhetoric. It doesn’t matter whose problem it is. This is a problem that developers are not actively switching to nodejs. If a farmer on the outskirts does not have electricity within a radius of 500 km, there is no point in discussing how much electric transport is more advanced, environmentally friendly and promising. It will burn kerosene!

If CapRover is integrated with Wappler, then everyone will simply switch to VDS/VPS from the same providers that they are currently served by and will be able to host any number of nodejs sites, even at a better price than on PHP virtual hosting.

Not the price is the key point (although it is important). I emphasize that you need a universal way to host nodejs sites anywhere. Without linking to a specific location or provider. Developers should be able to migrate anywhere at any time. And it’s easy, fast, and cheap to do.

It is the JUMP to Node.js hosting in more established Name hosting services that can only be hosted on managed servers that bites. One of the most reputable hosting companies I’ve used for years even requires setting up a brand new account to offer Node.js.

This review linked below is, again, part of the problem – the state of Node hosting in 2021
The selection of companies is so small.
Out of the few you kindly suggest I immediately find this review on the most “expensive”.


Please don’t post review pages :slight_smile:
Better to find a reddit post or specialized forum talking about it.

Real reviewers and people that know their stuff don’t waste time leaving reviews in sites like you mentioned. Everybody knows they are all bot reviews. Good and bad ones.


I know bot reviews.
I KNOW the internet, and all about “reviews”
What you are saying here is ludicrous. Real customers most certainly do submit their experiences to some review sites because of their lousy experiences. I have done this myself.

Real reviewers and people that know their stuff don’t waste time leaving reviews in sites like you mentioned. Everybody knows they are all bot reviews. Good and bad ones.

Me, for example (used a software or two in my life), never ever in my life used any review website as they are full of fake, bot and paid reviews. I really think this is a waste of time, especially for hosting companies.
Got a lot of friends working in Siteground, Godaddy (and all the regional companies they own) and maybe 1% of the reviews are by real customers.
And the real reviews are there just because the support agent asks you to go leave some nice review mentioning his name, so he can get a bonus at the end of the month. :slight_smile:

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You need a badge too then!
Badge gang :muscle:t2: