Why Am I Getting an S3 Get File "Invalid Path" Error?

I’m trying to download a file from my S3 bucket using Wappler 3.9.7, and I’m getting the following error in the Network tab of the browser :

"Invalid Path! https://files.workshop-angel.com/30_b5d9b914fe1244c0_fp_hands.jpg"

However, you can see if you put this url into a browser, this path is correct.

I have the following setup for my Get File action:



filename = 30_b5d9b914fe1244c0_fp_hands.jpg
$_POST.file_url = https://files.workshop-angel.com/30_b5d9b914fe1244c0_fp_hands.jpg

What am I doing wrong? :thinking:

Well you have the file name also already in the path…

So are saying it should be this?

filename = 30_b5d9b914fe1244c0_fp_hands.jpg
$_POST.file_url = https://files.workshop-angel.com/

Yes, that is why we have two separate fields, file name and path…

I’m pretty sure the path value should be a local folder where the file will be saved


Right, and the key is whatever key was used to put the file at s3 (which might include a path as well as file name)

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If you are storing in a subfolder on S3 you currently need to create the local folders to match for the path

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Apart from the binding issues, the path needs to be very specific as well.

Although in your case I see the file is directly in the bucket, so you don’t have to worry about the above for this file at least.

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Thanks for all your help, folks!

That all makes sense now with the path… luckily I don’t have any folders on the S3 side, so a / for the path seems to suffice…

I have it set as below and I have managed to overcome this hurdle.

(Another hurdle has presented itself, which I’ll open a new post for… :confounded:)

s3 getfile works