Who's with me, mannnn? Let's make a custom TinyMCE component

Since it seems the Wappler team has decided to not support TinyMCE, and now that App Connect extensions are possible for mobile projects, I’m thinking about creating a TinyMCE component.

Is anyone interested in collaborating on making the extension? Maybe I’m too naive in what it takes to build, but I wonder if there are others that are interested and knowledgeable enough to help.


Hi Keith,

We haven’t decided not to support TinyMCE. We are just evaluating all the options.

The integration is also very complex, so it can’t be done we custom extension.

Also we have already done quite large part of its integration so it will be a shame to throw it away.

So a bit more patience and we will get to it :slight_smile:

just have to finalize the app connect 2 extensions first so all existing extensions work fine. Then we can move on to new ones.


Thanks for the comments, George! I’ll hold off for a little longer then. It just feels like we’ve been waiting for this component for at least two years. I realize there always competing interests. So I’m trying to figure out a better solution than Summernote before I can launch my app.