Who has the most likes around these parts?

Correct, unfortunately. I hope it is some sort of cache/cookie thing and not my worst nightmare.

When I was only silenced, I was logged in and could view forum. Now every login attempt gets an error.

So do I. If it was true.

Don't believe EVERYTHING :slight_smile: some anonymous person tells you.

I would post a question in the community, but I am blocked. I am doing some restarts and cache cleaning to see if I can get access. Perhaps the double-blocking did something to the sessions? I am not accusing Bubble of doing anything intentional, I am simply stating I cannot currently log in to either the forum or the admin/my apps portion of the site (they both use the same login mechanism, perhaps?)

Please forgive me if I’m away for a moment, I need to solve this. Thankfully I have nothing but test apps with this username, but blocking access in this way would be a bridge too far in my mind and I want to figure it out right away.

I tried once more before restarting (SO MANY TABS!) and out of nowhere I was not only un-blocked from logging in (see previous error), but now I can also see my apps.

THANK GOD. But seriously, the error above with the combative message was all I was getting before.

I guess I should be glad Nigel came across this, so I didn’t have to wait on a Support response email to get unblocked.


PS, this was my “childish” avatar in case anyone had hoped it was a kid mooning out a bus window. Man, that would have a been much cooler story though.

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Glad it is fixed.

Anyway, enough forum spam from me. Sorry I pissed several people off. Never very good with human interactions :man_shrugging:

On the plus side … still more likes than at least one of the CoFounders :slight_smile:

p.s. I was here some time ago. You better hope I don’t decide to stay this time :innocent: :rofl:

This is probably one of the funniest things I’ve witnessed in quite some time. A mod and a user resolving an issue on a competing forum :joy:


A Tw@t and a Rebel log onto a Forum…

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No kidding :slight_smile:

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sorry PP ... being new and not seeing the big picture, i was confused. Now, after him joining and seeing the copied posts its a LOT clearer.

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Had me totally confused! Wondered what was going on right up until the conclusion. Was better than the new Matrix movie! :smiley:

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@Nigel_Godfrey Admit it. You reported the posts. Also, talking about “childish”. Bragging about “likes” isn’t childish?

In the end, the posts of @plaidpixel had often many hearts hinting that people agreed or they were useful.

Considering the seriousness of the matter, starting to bully someone into silence in a friendly manner is unproductive and appalling to other clients once word goes out. In other words, you are hurting Bubbles’ reputation. At least that’s the impression I got from all of that. If you are invested in Bubble try to represent the best parts of it, I can imagine people will appreciate it.

A message “Hey you lost a 40k contract, what can we do to ease the pain, maybe I can talk to someone and give you a discount” would be much more appreciated.

The least someone can do is post a few more messages to make some valid points.

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I hear the sequel will be fabulous.


The fact that your ego compels you to stalk a ex bubble user on a competing user forum pretty much says it all!

I wonder what would happen if we did likewise, oh wait that’s right you would swoop like a an angry seagull!

Bubble team must be so proud of what you are doing for their brand :rofl:

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Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 4.17.29 PM

Well, it only took about 3.5 days of learning Wappler for me to agree with others here and jump on the Wappler wagon. Any doubts I had went away before the free trial even reminded me it was running out.

Speed is insane on my M1 Mac, in case anyone is wondering about Apple Silicon.

For posterity: If in future, the little Pro label isn’t by my username anymore, I probably haven’t left. I just don’t know how long I’ll continue using this username after today’s eye-opening experience.

what a lovely shit show, a bubble mod coming to a compeitior forum to tell a person that it has no right to express its feelings to bubble when it was bubble that wants to make a sudden and radical change that could destory so many applications that was hosting on bubble in the first place without any consultation or prior notice.

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I’m glad someone “gets it”.
I have an under-appreciated sense of humor!

I would imagine you could get one of your buddies on the phone to jump start you for an hour. I still have under 6 hours in Wappler, but am confused as hell on some things. I see the big picture and am going to move this way, but this tool is a perfect example of needing a mentor to ask brief questions of so you don’t lose an hour on something stupid.