White screen when disabling live data

Wappler 5.6.2

I found an error in server connect beta 3, when I try to edit the page with dynamic data disabled the screen turns white

Obs. it only happens on some pages

Same bug I believe:

You can test it with this update for App Connect 2 Beta

dmxAppConnect.zip (28.5 KB)

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Thank you Patrick that has resolved this issue for us, much appreciated!

Hmmmm now our dynamic selects are not working. Will dive deeper and provide a bug report on it.


Yes definitely broke the dynamic selects which are filtered by query parameters. But did clear up the blank screen. Oddly with the previous issue unresolved and deployed using the current Beta Channel files the select lists all function correctly (but obviously design view is blank when App Connect dynamic toggled to off). Solved one issue with another having arisen. Sounds like my life! :slight_smile: