Where is the .where formatter in the UI on app connect?

So thanks to @karh ’ help I am able to get the .where formatter going with code similar to this:

{{sc_get_stuff.data.stuff.where('id', autocomplete1.value, '==')[0].fieldname}}

This gets me the right data, say for instance the value of fieldname for an autocomplete within a form repeat. If I open this code up in the expression editor I do see the where formatter like so:

BUT I don’t see where to find this where formatter in the UI:

Am I missing something or not looking in the right place? Or is it really missing?
Maybe somebody can post a screen of where the where is? Thanks!



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You can only add one In the UI I believe which is why you are seeing a different menu

I see, cool thanks @Sorry_Duh! I have actually found it now :grin:

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Yes, I just chain them in the code as required…