Where is the SSH private key when deploying remote Docker target

Following the docs here:

I need to know where Wappler places the private SSH key in my computer. This is for future use to access the droplet using Putty.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Wappler uses docker machine for deploy so the keys are generated under the docker machine folder in your user home folder.

We do offer a direct ssh terminal in Wappler below so it will connect and use the right ssh keys automatically and you don’t need any other ssh program.

In addition to George’s reply, to use in Putty, open the id_rsa file in Putty Keygen to first create a PPK file, then you can connect.

Thank you George and Sid. Very useful!

Did the public key folder for Mac change directories some time ago to /Applications/Wappler.app/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/ssh2/test/fixtures

Connecting via FTP so just double checking.

Not really @psweb the ssh keys for docker deployment are located usually in your ~/.ssh folder.

Recently we also allowed using ssh keys per project.

All generated and used from the new Resource manager

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