Where does Wappler store the changes related to the database manager?

How does it know there are 4 pending changes and where is the reference to those changes?


Do these persist even if you restart Wappler? If not, they’re kept in-memory and therefore not accessible for changes. Don’t know if they changed this with latest updates

Yes, they persist. They even persist when cloning from github to a new project in Wappler. Github doesn’t have the most recent database changes, so I’m guessing Wappler is storing these outside of the project(s).

Are you guys talking about the tables created in the actual db itself?

Screenshot 2023-01-28 at 10.41.31 AM

Those not yet applied changes or stored in the db.json connection file per target so they are remembered even after project change or Wappler restart. This is since the last few updates, before that the pending changes weren’t persistent

@george Is that defined by the ‘status’ in db.json?

Yes status and db_edits

Great, so then how is every db.json file after the “designing database tables”, which is where I initially created the files table, showing status = new for the files table?

It is also the only table in any of the db.json records that has status=new for its fields.

status=new should be removed after the database changes are applied successfully and the table schema is refreshed.

You can also just try to refresh the schema manually from the context menu when you have “tables” selected.

Well that’s the issue. I applied database changes 4 times after creating the Files table and all appeared to work. I also made commits everytime I applied changes, but somehow every db.json shows status=new on the files table.