When using Summernote in a modal the dialog boxes for Inserting Image, Link and File are appearing beneath the modal

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.19044
  • Wappler Version : 4.5.2

Problem description

When I use BS5 Summernote Editor in a modal I am finding the dialog boxes for Inserting Image, Link and File are appearing beneath the modal. The problem appears to happen when the Summernote option checkbox in Wappler for ‘Use in Modal’ is selected.

Steps to reproduce

I have set up a sample page at www.bespokebattles.com with two modals to illustrate the problem.

From what i see you can fix this by adding this:

.note-modal {
    z-index:1070 !important;

to your custom css file.

Hello Teodor

Thanks for the speedy reply and with a solution that worked perfectly.

Best wishes



Robert Edwards

Magic Webs Ltd

The Old Post Office


Somerset TA23 0QW

Tel: 0777 884 8613