Wappler Version : 5.1.0
Operating System : Windows 10
Server Model: node
Database Type: SQLite
Hosting Type: Wappler server
What do you think should happen?
In previous version when clicking “+” to add a new SQLite database file within global connections a default file name was shown including extension .sqlite3
What actually happens?
Now, no default is shown and if .sqlite3 extension not manually added it is not automatically added
While not critical to those who know what is needed, this may be very confusing for new users
Brian, I have a different experience. In the below example I have used a database name not previously used. This makes sure that the extension is not shown as a hint. In the windows ‘Save As’ dialog, I entered the connection name without the ‘.sqlite3’ extension and all is well.
How bizzare, will Check it out again. As an aside, do the charset and UTF settings work correctly at your end. I see on re-opening they are not displayed correctly (used utf8 and UTC)
Thanks Teodor, but as I said, that value gets overridden by the settings that are set when creating the database. How else could I have utf8mb4 automatically set for the character set when using Database Manager?