What is the proper Update to 6.5.0 procedure?

I have been using the beta channel in past versions. All up to date. What is the procudure for moving to AC2 Stable now? Just switch the setting to Stable? Will that update all of the 100s of App Connect files again or will it continue to use the same final beta files?

I am very nervous about this.

Yes you can switch to stable or just leave it on the beta channel, currently the beta channel is empty so it will use all the extensions from the stable channel.

Thanks George, is it best to leave it on beta or recommended to change everything to Stable? What will Beta channel be used for going forward?

Well when we have new experimental extensions we will put them in the beta channel but those won’t change the stable core and be only additions.

So it is perfectly safe to leave it on the beta channel and enjoy both stable and beta additions when they come.