What is the meaning of Input (Dynamic Events under Data) Modifiers for Text Input

for Input Dynamic Event (of type Data) of a Text Input, following modifiers are available:

what is the meaning of each modifier - please help us understand!

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They look very similar to event modifiers

Not sure if it is explained in the docs, they are event modifiers.

stop - is same as stopPropagation(), it prevents the event from bubbling up the dom
prevent - is the preventDefault(), it prevents the default action (like following the link)
capture - execute the actions in the action phase of the event bubbling
self - only execute the action if the event was triggered on the current node (not triggered using bubbling from a node below the current)
once - only execute the action once, remove the event after the action was run

Also some event have key modifiers, it then only executes with the specific keys pressed in the modifiers.

An other modifier is debounce, it triggers the action after a specific timeout, when a new event is triggered before the timeout then the previous event is ignored and a new timeout is started. This way the event doesn’t trigger too often, for example with a search input field you want to do your ajax search after the user finished typing.