What is the best docs area for Wappler?

Over the years I’ve seen a few docs/manuals areas appear and I can never remember where they are!

Could I make a suggestion that the pinned post ‘Welcome to Wappler’ which only mentions the beta back in 2017 is updated to list all the docs areas with a brief description of how up to date they each are?

I know the documentation is being actively worked on at the moment but getting quick access to all the existing docs would be super helpful. Or put the links in our Account Dashboard.


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I believe there are two main places to find docs.

  1. One is here in the forums under the Docs category. You can easily access it from the menu.


  1. The other is https://docs.wappler.io/

Thanks @kfawcett. I’m sure there’s another one, too. A beta docs area.

Indeed. But you won’t find much there.
Right now it seems to be a static site full of content from the forum.

So how would I find the doc all about S3 file uploading? I know it exists but it’s not proving easy to find.

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Thanks @Teodor. Any reason why these aren’t also in the Docs category so they’re easily found? I couldn’t search for ‘S3’ as it was too short but didn’t know what else to add so it proved a bit tricky.

They are in docs category actually :smiley:

Really? I can’t see them in there. I’m referring to all the sub-category boxes at the top of the docs category.

They are in a subcategory of the Docs category:



Aah, found it. It’s buried quite a way down the main list. Shouldn’t it be in the top part so it’s easily found?

I am not sure i understand what you mean? What is placed down the list?
You know that you can use the docs site search also?

If I type ‘s3’ into any of the search boxes there are no results.

Just use the docs site:

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OK, that’s what I will use from now on. Can you update the ‘Welcome to…’ pinned post to have a link to that? I’m sure it will help a lot of people.