What is Node.js and why would I use it?

I agree 100%. Having a converter makes total sense especially if the Wappler team decides that Node.js is the future.

Naively, I thought, “oh, I’ll just into settings and change my server model from PHP to Node.js”. However, reading this, it doesn’t sound that simple.

I would be happy to try the nodejs model, if its an easy switch in the project server model…

Only prerequisite is, I want to know if @patrick likes nodejs…

I just need those supplements when Im stuck somewhere, in the form of the legendary custom formatters!

@JonL, can you elaborate a bit on what you mean by the “Wappler safe zone”?

Functionality provided natively by Wappler: SC actions and AC components.

Thanks, @JonL.

Do you find the current AC components and SC actions limiting?

You mentioned that “Wappler could evolve a lot if the focus is shifted to nodejs”. Evolve into what?

Except real time apps and a few other features I could say if I thought about it hard enough you can basically do anything with standard Wappler components in regards to final result.

And while final result may be sufficient for some and it is where Wappler excels I might want to arrive to a similar result using a different path. So I decide to use another approach by building it myself or using a third party library.

And surprise, surprise…Wappler provides a great framework to interact with. You can check my latest integration to see what I mean.

Just joking :smiley:

There are certain libraries that due to their nature(like real-time capability) can’t be or don’t make sense to integrate with PHP or ASP. Therefore there will be some server actions available only to Nodejs server model.


Does node.js make easier to build a mobile app from your web app’s code?

Looks like you’ve given me a massive decision to make George!

I have gazillions of server actions now so a converter sounds essential.

I feel a user gathering new topic coming on…


Can I have what you are having?


There is a hidden advantage of migrating to nodeJS and asking the team to focus on it.

They already work with it on a daily basis. Wappler’s UI is built using Javascript. Every time they have to deal with SC they need to change focus to PHP and ASP.

They need to stay on top of 4 different programming languages with different versions, compatibility issues, deprecations, security fixes…

They also need to think how to deploy our apps to different services taking into consideration 4 different server models. Thank god someone invented Docker!

So yes. We all have work to do and decisions to make. The level of innovation, quick turnaround on support and other time consuming actions we expect from the team depends on our ability to embrace change and modern technologies.

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I’ve been a PHP coder for about 20 years but am completely up for switching to Node.js as I can already see that is the future… and PHP’s days must be numbered.

The main thing I need clarifying is the hosting requirements. We run our own dedicated servers which are Linux / cPanel. We installed Node.js onto them a couple of years ago so it’s there already but I’ve never actually made use of it!

I’ve not used Docker as I have an issue with a complete server being created for every project which will take up loads of storage and resources on my Mac. Instead, I just stick with creating a target on our server and all saving/publishing goes there. So I’ve not even needed MAMP on my dev machine.

With all that in mind, how would my setup change if I start to work with Node.js instead?


Your local setup you mean?

Both, really. I know I have Node.js installed on the server but have no idea to actually use it!

From Wappler or bypassing Wappler?
There are dozens of strategies well documented out there on the web. Or maybe you are referring to how to do it from Wappler’s UI.

Yep, doing this from Wappler. The current way of working I’m completely familiar with - where the files go, connecting to the database, etc. This is a new structure for me so I’m just trying to get some knowledge on it.

How do you move your files? SFTP? If so I believe nothing changes for you. You create your nodeJS app via cpanel and define the server folder where the files will live in your server and then you just upload them from Wappler. For the DB you just create the connections in DB manager.

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See also another great use case to package your whole dynamic database driven site as a standalone offline desktop app!

Bet you can’t do that with PHP :slight_smile:


You could do it with PHP (installing and running a lite webserver) but no-one would want to!

true - but it will be a total overkill.

With Node it is so light that it is all natural and easy to bundle in an app

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How have you managed to keep this under wraps until now? Seeing all the mention of NodeJS for months while developing the integration of it and not letting on! It must be a relief now it’s common knowledge.

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