What Do I Need to Update To Move To Wappler 6.8.0?

Hi @teodor...

So this is the month I upgrade from 3.9.7 to 6.8.0. Yippee! :tada:

Can you help me compile a list of all the things I need to upgrade to be using all the latest versions of everything my app uses please?

(For reference, my project is PHP based, currently uses BS4, and has an index.php and 50 different include files it references.)

Here is my current list of things to update...

  • Server technology: move to PHP 8.3
  • Wappler Project Files: accept all the options in the Project Updater.
  • Underlying PHP files: Turn Composer on and let it update everything
  • Bootstrap: Update to BS5


  1. Are there going to be other aspects of my project (like with Bootstrap) which I need to manually update to be on the latest versions, as they are not updated by the project file updater?
  2. Is there a way to update to BS5 with a simple search and replace rather than having to go into each of the 50 include files and click on some buttons?

Many thanks!

After updating Wappler and PHP, I recommend you let it sit for a few weeks before trying to update Bootstrap

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I would duplicate the whole project and work with that. Upload to a staging site so the live site is left alone. That way you can see any possible issues and have time to address them.

* Teodor getting a few weeks vacation *

Hey @sitestreet and @Apple …

Thanks for your replies… yes, that is exactly what I am doing… have my staging site and am going to test it for the rest of the month.

Any thoughts on what else needs upgrading would be gratefully accepted…

@Teodor, are you really on holiday? :beach_umbrella:

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Q: What Do I Need to Update To Move To Wappler 6.8.0?
A. A lot of luck

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@teodor, you clearly aren't on vacation...

... and I'm sorry, but I don't find your comment amusing.
(or your comment @Notum).

I put in days and days of work a year ago to help @patrick find over 20 bugs in the early AC2 beta releases.

As someone who has given so much to this forum over the last five years, I would appreciate a more positive and caring response!

@Antony I think those replies are just to put some fun, as this community is like a big family :slight_smile:
We all wish that everything goes well for everyone..

I'm with @sitestreet here, duplicate, git and try everything.
If any error appears, just put it here and will find a way to solve it..
Maybe a private group/chat for those who want to help you on the transition?


Hi Antony, well it was just a friendly joke :slight_smile:

There's nothing really i can add to what others suggested. Backup your project, follow the update prompts and apply all the changes suggested by Wappler. I am not sure what can break or if anything will break. There are a lot of changes since Wappler 3 and Wappler 7 is just around the corner, so i can't list any specific things for you to check.


But seriously, why not take the opportunity to convert to Node at the same time, you know you want to.


Thanks for your more detailed reply @Teodor !

All is good… sorry to hear you’re not on a sun-kissed beach somewhere.

I’m happy with the process… but is there anything else that needs upgrading manually, like bootstrap does?

So probably Font-awesome…?

Does Summernote update with Wappler?

What doesn’t update itself to the latest version even though I’ve used the project updater?


Coming from Wappler 3, probs the most annoying area you'll have to deal with are the changes to Stripe and the underlying version update. Keep an eye out in your testing.

Thanks @xsfizzix !

It’s actually no problem at all as my app was built before Wappler had a stripe integration, so my hand coded checkout and API calls all still work just fine!

There are many Wappler features I don’t use at all - keeping it simple makes these transitions much easier…

Because this was specifically addressed, I did not bother replying. My feeling is that, if you want to address someone personally, use the private message system.

Having said that, I would convert the site to Bootstrap 5 as a matter of priority. You will be building on the future with the riddance of jQuery.

See this excellent article by @Teodor

If you want to use another method, have a look at

All of this should be done in a new project by duplicating the current project.

Once you have made the Bootstrap change, you have a choice of PHP or Node.
I have to agree with Brian (@Hyperbytes), that Node is definitely the way to go, again with the eye on the future. I won't go into details here, but please believe this octogenarian.

To make the change to PHP 8.3, again start a new project by duplicating an existing project. Then be wary of what this article states:
PHP: Migrating from PHP 7.4.x to PHP 8.0.x - Manual.

If the wiser choice has been made, it will require starting a whole new project based on NodeJS. There will be a significant change in the structure of the project files, partially because of the Express templating engine. However, all that you have done to create a Bootstrap 5 site, will not be lost. A lot of copying and pasting will fix the client side. The server side will consist of the creation of new API's.

With Node, you will go through a difficult period. But the end result will be very rewarding for the future. It's called evolution.


Thanks for your time and input @ben … I really appreciate it!

Most of the vanilla change to 6.8.0 is complete now… I’m just chasing a few final bugs. I did a massive test of my app as AC2 was in beta last year, so I knew I would be pretty close.

I will work through the BS5 article - thanks for the link to that!

Sadly time does not allow to go to Node at this moment, but that time will come, I’m sure!

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