What and Why is RECID?

Have been seeing these values being added and removed from queries in SA randomly since updating to version 6 (or probably even in 5).

What is this? And why does Wappler keep adding and removing these randomly on random queries. In some queries it does not add these at all. Have seen this on all projects.

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Good question, noticedt he saem

RECID (for as I can tell) stands for RECord ID. I am probably wrong, but still :slight_smile:

I believe recid refers to the uniquely identity a record in the database.
By default system uses recid as primary index in the absence of a defined index, so if query optimizer didn’t find any index to use it will use recId as a fallback value.
Probably always there, just not sure why it is getting exposed in the query results.
In some context it can also be a pointer to the FIRST record in a query result.


Bump. Can someone please explain/fix this? @patrick/@George
It wastes so much time going through these lines as changes in code-diff!

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Still awaiting a response. Bump.

Bump. @patrick

this is a Wappler internal artifact, not related to any of your records.
So it can be safely ignored.

We have been doing so. But its a huge annoyance in code-diff and code review. Git shows numerous changes in a SA, when all we would have done is enabled output in one of the steps.

Wappler randomly adds and removes this value from queries. We have seen this irrespective of which version of Wappler we are on, ever since this started.
Please fix this to be consistent for all types of queries - or better yet, just remove this.

Will see if we can clean it up.

It will be helpful if you can indicate exactly when it is added.

We haven't been able to reproduce the adding and removing of this.
Usually, when we make changes in some other parts of a SA or the query itself, this shows up. But sometimes, it gets removed.
I was hoping to get some info about it with this post so I could understand why this is happening.. or if there is some way to disable it.

Hi George. Any update on this?
Its still a huge productivity killer.

Bump. This random recid is still a huge problem when reviewing code in Git. There are numerous changes because Wappler adds and removes this value randomly from any SA query the team touches.
It will add this recid to a query when someone makes a change, and then removes it again RANDOMLY when query is updated again in future.

I'm resaving queries and the server action it's in because we changed a column name.
There are no other changes in this file, I haven't worked in it for a long time.
I'm expecting these changes:

But nota ll of this:

And in the same file, it's also removing recids:

I also can't find more of a pattern. You can see in the screenshots that it's happening with some kind of query, custom or a regular insert...

I'm just as bothered as sid, as it's making it more difficult to review code changes. A lot of added noise.

Any update on this @George ?
There is a new key that shows up in the Beta version now: "collapsed". This is also not clear on what its function is and why does it get added.