Welcome Bubblers! (An honest review)

In a sense when using the database manager in Bubble you have got a lot of the basics covered. However Bubble does use its own terminology and does hide certain advanced features in a really nice way especially when it comes to relationships.

When using a shared web host setting up a database is relatively easy (to setup and to manage). There are more things to think about than just using bubble but its not going to take you much longer than a couple of hours to figure out the basics, plus once you know it you have transferable skills. I think @Hyperbytes goes into the creation of the DB through cPanel and then editing it with various GUI tools in his webinar series (thank you so much for those videos!) I recommend viewing that webinar series to begin with just so you can get to grips with how things work in the first instance.


See Webinar 1

See https://wapplervirtualacademy.com/hosting/

The interface is still,l being developed and will soon offer direct online registration but for the moment requests are managed by message

Thanks so much for your help. I’m going to take a look this evening. Cheers!

If the hosting service proves popular I will add a number of new videos to assist in setup and management of hosting and databases


Actually we do indeed plan to integrate a local webserver in Wappler for quick and easy testing. This will be definitely the case when we also add the NodeJS Server Connect support.

We can also add PHP and MySQL and then you have a all the dev tools you need fully in Wappler!


That would be amazing for less technical people. Being able to create and run a webapp just with the editor. It will facilitate getting Wappler known for people that come from bubble. Once they see what they can achieve just with the editor it will be easier for them to start thinking in live deployment.


It’s why we all moved.

I just downloaded - its a bit overwhelming and looks like a serious development environment rather than anything i am familiar with. Is wappler a tool to make development quicker for those that can code or a tool for people that dont know how to code to build project (and possibly have to use a bit of code)?

It’s both, it is flexible enough to meet both those types of user.
Just because it can do virtually anything you want does not mean you have to use all those facilities, you can “grow into it”

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Ok thanks. First mistake was opening up one of the templates and try to work out what was going on. Will watch some intro videos now.

You are not alone :grinning: it took me several hours to really digest the basics of app creation. It would be great idea to have a virtual style assistant integrated in the Wappler that take you through every step needed to build an app. This is built in many softwares such as Photoshop ect. When you first time open the project, it gives you an option to whether you will want to be guided through all the basic steps.

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Not going to lie @DrNinjamonkey it is intimidating the first time you open it. It takes a little getting used to the way to do things in Wappler (I come from a coding background and nothing was tying it all together for me). I think Wappler are making a more friendly beginner guide but you really cannot beat following along with @Hyperbytes video series thats what allowed me to actually start making things in Wappler and started fitting the bits together.


I did the exact opposite. I opened the dynamic app template to see how everything was working.

Funny how each type of person has a completely different way of absorbing knowledge :slight_smile: I was always the kid stripping apart toys and not being able to put them together. I guess some things never change :slight_smile:

Pretty sure I will go through tutorials at some point as there will sure be a lot of tips and tricks here and there. But for the most parts I already got the hang of Wappler.


Awesome man, glad its going well for you. I got on really well with the stuff inside wappler itself, seems like a great tool. I have spent an entire day wrestling with servers and databases only to get one of each set up…but they dont like each other apparently. Back to it tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Don’t desist. It’s time well invested!

Actually you can already share sample projects in Wappler through github!

Just put your Wappler project in there and share the link. Then when somebody wants to try it they can just create a new project in Wappler and use the github link as to clone the project.

The whole project will be auto copied.
Because of the great git integration, now final in the last Wappler update, the sample project can even be updated by the original author on github and you will get the updates automatically!

You can also “fork” it on github and then clone your own copy that you can change, commit back to your own form on github and put a pull request if you want the original author to publish your changes to its copy.

So power to Wappler Git integration- project sharing :slight_smile:


That’s brilliant! I see a match there also if you finally find a way to include self contained server, php and mysql!

That would be very close to what Bubble has.

Im sure it will be, its just a bit of a change from having everything there for you in bubble. Im sure ill get there…hopefully! The server stuff is all so incredibly intimidating, even when you get the right software there are a million options / error massages. Feels like im building a city so i can get round to building my little house - anyway, like you said…time well spent!


I have been thinking for some time prior to posting this but here goes. I personally have been waiting to try Wappler beause 7 days is just not enough for me as others mentioned with the day job and family it will give me minimum time to play with Wappler before the trial ends. While I know if a company is not bringing in money the features and support can not continue and I am sure I am not Wappler wheelhouse market but I do think there is a market for folks like me as the ones using these tools fall into 2 brackets developers trying to speed up development and wannabe coders with day jobs trying to launch an idea on their own like me.

I can see why Wappler has only a 7 day trial because someone going nonstop at building an app could build and export within 7 days so with that… I would recommend Wappler make it so you can’t export the code during a trial. I think a free package like Bubble has would bring a lot of folks to the table maybe Wappler could have a free plan with all the features but don’t allow export of the code and the Wappler branding can’t be removed. While I know that is things that would have to be coded to even create the free package I think it would bring folks to the table that are going to Bubble due to the free plan that they offer.

Again I could be wrong on all of this because heck I can’t even get my app to market yet because I am torn between what platform to go with.

All this coming from a wannabe/hack coder that needs no-code and drag & drop builders to even make a web page :slight_smile:

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I guess that defines the major difference between bubble and Wappler

Wappler just produces standard HTML/CSS/JS directly, there is no intermediate stage so no generation/ export is needed. That’s why it is so flexible and extendable.