We present you a responsive website built for Weddings at Fennes by Paul Strydom known in our community as @psweb.
Here’s the description he kindly provided:
Weddings at Fennes
This site was fully developed in Wappler and consists of 4 parts, the front facing website, which besides the forms, is almost entirely database content, brought in through a series of repeats, which can be seen in the Wappler Monthly Meetup for August 2022. The second part is just a blog, and that was all done in WordPress.
The third part is a full content management system which allows the client to do almost anything they like from adding and removing pages, as well as page content, and heavily relies on tagify and the bootstrap 5 framework.
The fourth and final part is an online booking system, integrated to the customers VMS venue management system as well as the accounting platform with SagePay. Allowing customers to book the venue accommodation.
The best part of this is the level of customisation I managed to achieve in using 5 blocks of code all using dmx-html to dynamically bring in different elements in about 20-30 lines of code per block.
Leveraging this and the bootstrap framework I was able to create a pretty unhindered design while keeping full CMS control easy for my end user.