Webhook customer.subscription.updated can't access Event ID?

When this event triggers, the object model available through the dynamic picker and $_POST does not match what Stripe passes to my webhook. Specifically, the Wappler model doesn't show me the event ID of the actual event, only the event data itself, in this case a subscription object model. Checking Stripe's docs, this event does pass the event ID along with the object data. The Wappler webhook's object model is also missing the "previous_attributes" JSON when that is passed from Stripe because of a change to an existing subscription.

I'm trying to use API Action to get the correct event data, including "previous_attributes" but without being able to capture the event ID being sent over, development has stopped.

The state of Stripe support within Wappler is quite frustrating. I suspect I'm still making mistakes, but even the basic usage seems fraught with challenges. I've asked for an official statement from the Wappler team regarding their continued support and fixes of known Stripe webhook issues, and received no response to-date.

Any Wappler friend that asks me I tell anyone using Stripe and/or Traefik is a brave person :laughing:

Sorry, I know this post doesn't help you, it's just to keep others from following the same path...

I'd like to turn all this development I'm doing into an actual functioning company, and be able to pay Wappler for an enterprise license. But I don't see how that's going to happen when it's such a challenge from within Wappler to integrate with one of the world's largest online payment integrators.

Update: adding "id" as a global variable in the webhook itself, at the same level as the existing "data", gave me access to the event ID (yay). Progress.