Watch list with cookie and save in table

Hello and a wonderful day, I need your help again.

I would like to create a kind of cookie based watch list.

  1. The user should have the opportunity to save products in a kind of shopping cart (watch list).
  2. The noted products should be saved in the database with the associated user so that we can use them for statistics and in the requests form.
  3. If the request has not been sent, the products should be available in the watch list when the user returns.
  4. The noted products should be included in the requests form.

My questions:

  • What type of table do I use for this entry?
  • How do I read the cookie on the user side in order to assign it to a table entry?

Thank you very much in advance

HI @EinfachChris, based on your needs what you’re looking for is local storage, not cookies. There’s three different options for different use cases that include cookes, session storage, and local storage. All of these are available to add to pages and then use in App Flow, Page Flows, and Dynamic Events.