Wappler Videos search engine

Hi Wappler Community,

I was looking for "how to use Data Table Pagination" and I remember that it was discussed within CRUD quick tutorial during one of the Wappler meetups, and I don't know which one!

So, I spent some time browsing the videos and I was wondering if I could extract the video transcripts in the Wappler YouTube Channel.

I ran WindSurf, provided it with the channel link, and then asked to scrape all video links to get (id, title, duration, image, views) without using API's, make a Python script to get all transcriptions, and reflect that in SQLite DB.

After collecting all the required data, I created a simple search engine project in Wappler to manipulate the data, using the same tutorial (Meetup May 2023 )

Wappler Video Search Engine

Enter a keyword in the search box

By clicking the video thumbnail, you will get more details including the transcript in 1- raw text and 2- with a time stamp, which makes it easy to jump to the exact second that you are interested in.

For the source code, CSV and SQLite db:

Wappler_help.zip (10.1 MB)

Free Hosting by (https://render.com/)

I did this project for fun and I hope you find it helpful!




Hm? :hushed:

Edit: I use Cody and GitHub Copilot, I'll try this soon

I did see they are making Copilot free now.