Wappler versioning - help a luddite

I’ve always been a bit confused to how wappler versioning works. And having previously been a Bubble user where random updates would be pushed and breaking both live and production applications. That turned me into a through and through luddite. But I can no longer resist all the cool stuff I see in the update emails.

I’m currently running Wappler 5.6 (node 18.15). Is it safe to update? are there any breaking changes in Wappler 6.0?

I was excited to see AC 2.0 which promises must faster performance. But that seems to be in 6.5? is 6.5 a stable version? In my account dashboard there is only 6.5 available, where the wappler website says latest version is 6… is that just for brevity?

Also, as cool as that new node graph looks, is that replacing how SC workflows are being built, worried I won’t have time to wrap my head around a new UI at the moment?

To update or not to update… that is my question.

The site always shows the major version available. So the current major version is 6.

App Connect 2 indeed comes with Wappler 6.5.
As for the SC workflows UI - you can choose whether you want to use the new design or the old one.

I always recommend keeping your app updated to the latest versions, making the transitions from old versions to the new one easier :slight_smile:

Thanks @Teodor appreciate it.

As for stable version, is 6.5 considered a stable version or would that be 6.0?
What’s the best way to update to 6.0? Through Wappler.io download, or is there an in app option that’s preferred? The account page seems to only show 6.5.

6.5 is the latest stable 6 version.

Lovely! thanks… I’ll take the plunge later today!

Today I learned what a luddite is/was

Are you British by any chance?

haha I am not @Apple but I did spend about 1/3 of my life there. I then moved to North America where I’ve spent another 1/3 of my life so far.

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