Wappler version 5.6.1 download link needed

Hi guys, i need wappler v5.6.1 for windows pc. Incase anyone is wondering why, we've been developing our live projects with this version, and we are trying to avoid issues that may arise from incompatible code bases. Thanks guys

You can download the latest stable version 5 (which is 5.8.2) from your account page.

Not sure if this is helpful @Adetoyinbo1

But I’ve ended up writing a windows shell script that copies the dmxAppConnect and dmxConnectLib directories from a separate folder into my project folder just before I put my project live… that way I always know they are the version that will work across all my project.

And that is why, Antony, git exists ... and its simplest use is version control.


And as you know @teodor, I will never ever use GIT! :star_struck:

(All "you should use GIT" trolls welcome, after all, it is Christmas and a time of goodwill to all men! :tada: )

That's your problem, but there's no need to spread ignorance to others who will benefit from using GIT.

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Merry Christmas @teodor! :star2:

I appreciate you bringing a broader perspective to my post...

I believe I was spreading a potentially useful idea to others... :person_shrugging:

Feel free to delete my post if you consider it to contain information that is harmful to the community!

I would love to hear the logic behind your apparently irrational dislike of GIT.

Is there a logical reason?

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Hey Brian, thank you for qualifying your analysis of my state of mind rather than making absolute! :star2:

And thank you even more for your curiosity around attempting to understand how such potential irrationality could ever come about in a Wappler user.

Here are my thoughts…

  1. I move to production using a zip file upload to AWS Elasic Beanstalk, so I naturally have a huge back catalog of app versions without GIT.

  2. Whenever I’ve used GIT it has confused me.

  3. I don’t want to put my app source on the internet, which is where GitHub is.

  4. I am an absolute genius and never get anything wrong, so I never ever need to revert anything.

  5. Why use something I don’t need? :person_shrugging:

OK, so you don't understand GIT, fair enough , it can be a confusing to get your head around so I accept you don't want to use a tool you don't understand

Again, lack of understanding of how Wappler and git works i guess.
Wappler supports local git repositories so they are only on your local machine, not on the internet. They work the same but your code stays secure on your local machine
I use local GIT repositories loads, only have about 4 projects in online GIT repositories and that is because the customer wants that.

Of course you are Antony, we all know that

Sometimes you dont know what you need intil you realise you do.

At least we now all know the why you don't use the tool virtually every other developer does


I'll throw something else into the mix for consideration, @Antony. Self-hosted GIT.

I have a VPS with Gitea (https://about.gitea.com/) installed. It's my own server and everything is encrypted and thoroughly locked down. I set it up because Github helps with AI learning so I didn't want any of my code appearing in ChatGPT responses. But I have all the benefits of GIT, remotely hosted (and backed up to another server) but entirely in my control and not accessable by anyone else unless I give them specific login access to a particular repo.

Gitea is open source and excellent. And the UI is very similar to Github and doesn't seem to lack anything.

The main benefit is me working between desktop and laptop so my Git repo is how I keep both computers in sync.

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I love you all…

… very much…

… but…

… it feels appropriate just to quietly mention at this point…


I don’t care how it is hosted.

I have all those other reasons.

I’m happy with them.

Happy to face death when the time comes, never ever ever having used GIT.

Maybe even proud.

You need to understand I have an inner rebel.

Doing things differently feeds him.

He is very happy not using GIT.

He revels in it.

So thank you to all of you from the bottom of my heart for your love and care. :orange_heart:


Being proud of not using git... Well that's something.
"No hidden catch, no strings attached" - I get it!


The "genius" :grin: you are by posting your insight - has at least gotten a few to look and understand that what's good for one may not be for all. Thanks for that alone.

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Stick to your guns @Antony, GIT adds another layer of complexity. Time down the drain!

It's like motor vehicle insurance, money down the drain! Until .... :sob: :cry:


Especially if you don't own a car!
