Wappler v5.8.2 - Manually adding a service to wappler-compose, Wappler doesn't show it in services

Wappler v5.8.2

Manually adding a service to wappler-compose, Wappler doesn’t show it in services:

Refresh doesn’t work, tried on Services and on the server itself. Caddy is already deployed, through the Deploy button which worked

The severity of this issue just increased, deleting a service (e.g.: a PostgreSQL DB) causes all non-shown services to vanish as well, so my Caddy server and TimescaleDB services gone…

Edit: Moved everything to a separate docker-compose, won’t risk it again in the near-future

This is currently by design - as Wappler shows only services it knows, so then it can change their properties that it knows.

We hope soon to publish the extensibility to those services, so you can create your own definitions and be able to edit them visually with Wappler.