Wappler Update Error on Mac - directory not empty

For the last 4 automatic updates (Wappler triggered), I have been receiving this error message. See attachment below. Can someone explain to me how to correct this? I am always forced to download from this site (As though I am a new user) and install it manually. This manual technique always works. It just doesn’t work when installing the automatic update.

O/S: Mac Sierra


Seems you have an incomplete previous installation.
Check under your Applications in Finder if there is “Wappler Old” app and delete it.

Its best to do a full clean install by download Wappler from https://wappler.io/download

Got the same problem. No incomplete previous installations.

Well just download Wappler manually and do a full install.

Yes I’m doing this, but if there is an update function, it would be nice it that would work :wink:

Well normally it should work fine but sometimes if Wappler is still busy or got interrupted somehow during previous updates, or if the system locks files - we can’t do inline update. So then the full install is needed.

Shouldn’t the full install fix this problem? I was never able to update Wappler.

Thank you, George.

Issue resolved by deleting the “Wappler Old” app.