Wappler starts but displays black screen on Linux

Wappler Version : 3.8.1-1
Operating System : Ubuntu 20.10
Server Model: N/A
Database Type: N/A
Hosting Type: N/A

Wappler launches but displays a black screen. border only, no content

Update wappler and launch

Can’t open a project etc as no controls available, seems the interface is not initialising?

This also happened on my mac Mini M1 but I assumed it was because of the M1 chip and reverted back to the previous version which worked fine.

We have problems on there M1, it should work just fine.

Maybe try reinstall from scratch and fresh download on both.

HI George,

I tried reinstalling and the same thing happens. I dual boot windows so tried updating Wappler in Windows and it is doing the same thing.

Perhaps it is something in my project (which it seems to load automatically). Is there a way to start Wappler without it loading the last project as that is the one constant between my machines?

OK, nailed it :slight_smile:

I edit my project on multiple devices (mac for iOS builds, windows for Android builds and Linux as my main workhorse) and Git had added some text to the project.json file (stashed changes).

I removed the additional text GIT had added which I missed when identifying conflicts) and Wappler launches fine on Windows so I will test Linux and Mac although I think it will work as well.

Panic over. Thanks for your prompt reply on a Saturday and good to know the M1 is not an issue.

Good to hear!

Was that the project package.json and you have a node project?

Yes it was the project package.json but no I don’t have a node project, it is a mobile app using framework7 and all data taken from a Wordpress/woocommerce site using API calls so no server in Wappler.
I hope that makes sense.
Cheers Paul :+1:t2:

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