Wappler so slow

I’m having a hard time working with wappler. i need to wait about 10 seconds to save the file. It’s almost impossible to write something in the code editor. I write something and I wait. I have to turn off and on constantly, but I can’t find a solution. The wappler is still as slow as the dreamweaver.

please see it as a bug and solve the problem.

Windows 10
Hp spectre x360 i7 cpu 8 gb ram

Hi Serhat,

Are you sure your pc is ok? Seems to me like you have hard disk problems. Are you using an SSD? It is highly advisable.

Hi George,

I had the same problem yesterday and I have SSD in my computer. Saving a file takes ages. Is there anything I could check?


Are you on local or remote target? As when on remote the file gets uploaded as well after save.

You can check the publishing panel below, for messages.

Also how do you experience slow down exactly? What type of files and are you editing in design or code view.

Anyway a small video might help to judge the problem

I am using SSD disk . fresh windows 10 … there isnt any hardware issue. because only wappler working slow …
I have tested @George

I’m having this problem in 500 600-line file. (now 1114) This problem has never been solved. Not reported before.
if the file size is small, no problem. (100 200 rows)

but this problem is when we exceed the number of 500 lines

local target .

remote target, php file in design view in my case.
Noticed a slowness when I toggle the app connect mode at the first time after I opened the file and when I save the file to remote target. Happy to do a video, just give me some time to find a screen recorder.


wappler runs generally slow on my lenovo (i5 6th gen, 8gb, 256gb ssd).
by generally i mean, saving the project (by ctrl+s), changing between panels, page content load on opening a file, etc.

but on my brother’s acer (i5 7th gen, 8gb, 256gb ssd), wappler works smooth.

both PCs have latest win10 pro.

Ok, so this time opening the file was slow, toggle app connect and save was fine, but have an error message in terminal, does it help?

Wappler - The Visual Web App Creator 2019-03-05 10-03-04.mp4 (60.9 MB)

btw an idea for how-to section. Windows 10 has a built in screen recorder, just have to push Windows+G together and hit record (had to enable the recording for wappler, but worked very well…)

Wappler runs very well on my computer (Dell Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, 500GB SSD), but I did have some problems on another computer which was also quite high spec. This was quite a while ago and I mentioned it at the time.

The problem was more or less solved by deleting what I imagine were cache files in the Wappler folder in AppData. I think these files were over 6GB in total. This issue was fixed some time ago during one or two Wappler updated, but I don’t know if it resolved all existing issues (perhaps it did, but as I manually deleted the files, I don’t know). It might be worth checking this folder, unless you’ve completely uninstalled/reinstalled Wappler in the last few months.

When restarting Wappler, it may be a good idea to close it fully first - ie using the Quit Wappler option in the System Tray. A normal quit will leave a number of processesing running, sometimes using quite a lot of memory. Again, I think this has been improved, but I was surprised that about 3GB was being used the other day. I was going to raise it as an issue and took a screenshot (but didn’t get round to posting anything).


This seems a a different problem - on file open. Usually caused by design view not finding some files are unable to load from remote target. I don’t see any problems on save.

You can try producing a debug log. Maybe we can see more in there.

Also see if this happens when local target is selected, I see that your delay is caused mostly by slowly accessing your ftp. As it takes over 2 seconds to upload a file.

Do you have maybe google fonts or other links in css or other includes starting with // ?

or something in your css using @import (very bad)

@george are there any way maunally delete cache files ?

Takes the same amount of time, when I change to local target.
How do I start Wappler with logging? (Right-click on tray icon doesn’t seems working)

The whole project is made in wappler with built in css etc, nothing 3rd party or hand coding css, didn’t find any includes starting with //

have another video, when I have a file opened in Wappler, then I open any other software, do something and then go back to Wappler and click on toggle app connect mode it takes ages to switch. All good until I don’t leave Wappler.

Wappler - The Visual Web App Creator 2019-03-05 11-04-50.mp4 (32.5 MB)

Well good news is we found most of the problems that can cause a delay on load and also on save :slight_smile:

Seems with the recent addition of the hot reloading, we were watching a bit more files than necessary.
So not only css files but just any link tag with href. So we limited those now to only the ones that are really necessary and also improved handling of includes starting with //

But just to make sure you can also produce a debug log as well, just include it here.
How to make one is described here:

That’s a good news!

Re the debug log, thats where I stucked, don’t have the “restart with logging” option when I right click on the tray icon.

you have to right click on the small tray icon - next to your clock on Windows 10.
It might be hidden, so click on the arrow first, next to the clock