Wappler native support for Podman as an alternative to Docker

I’m curious if anyone from the Wappler team has looked into adding native support for Podman as a Docker alternative. It looks to be very similar in nature and functionality to Docker while also offering some very attractive additional features. It would be really cool if it could be used as an alternative tool within Wappler with the same ease and straight-forward approach that you have given us for working with Docker. https://podman.io/ | https://podman-desktop.io/

For now, Podman lacks filesystem notifications on MacOS, making NodeJS app restarts on file change inoperational

Edit: Or maybe I confused with Rancher Desktop, but still Podman has other problems when deploying multiple projects at the same time, concerning DNS resolution of container names

You can also try the Rancher Desktop - it is an inplace replacement of Docker Desktop
