Wappler is the Best and Why I Won’t Be Using It

I think Wappler is awesome and fills a market niche link nothing else. The team is clearly very “technically” proficient and the product is well polished.


I won’t be using it.

I hope the Wappler team will take this in the positive and helpful intent that I offer it.

Your pricing model is extremely fair for use on personal or commercial projects. However, charging someone up front for the month(s) it will take to learn and become proficient is crazy. Putting a stressful 2 week fuse on which to evaluate and learn it is counter productive to your adoption rates. I can afford it and won’t do it. Image a smart motivated but poor Indian person (17% of the worlds population) who would learn your platform and later pay for it. You have ZERO chance with that person and it’s a shame.

Marketers stress over whether to ask for a name as well as an email address because that tiny “ask” drops conversion rates by a significant margin. Asking for a credit card up front drops your conversion rates by a couple orders of magnitude. Imagine the thousands of extra customers you would have talking about Wappler, Making videos and some eventually converting to a paying customer.

I hope you will consider:

  • Finding another way to protect your IP. Make the code impossible to export or something?
  • Provide a full featured free version for people to learn and adopt your system.
  • There’s a reason ALL you competitors have a free tier…

I may come back if I have specific project in mind that would make it worthwhile to learn Wappler under these conditions. I might, but there are thousands of people who can’t or won’t. And that’s a shame…


Jim Faulkner

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Hi Jim,

The 2 weeks free trial we offer is for you to test Wappler and decide whether it suits your needs or not. It was never meant to be used as a free tier to learn everything about the product and master it.
The 14 days we offer are more than enough for a person to get first impressions about the product and decide whether he wants to invest more time or not. You can always get a monthly license and learn more about Wappler.

You are comparing us with the competitors, who offer a free tier but our licensing is quite different. With Bubble (or others), for example, you get a free tier which you can use to study/learn the product for years if you wish and even build an app, but as soon as you want your app published and actually doing its job you have to pay monthly fees for it to work. And you never know what these fees are going to be, if they decide to change pricing.

With Wappler it’s different - you only need to pay for a license as long as you are building your app. After you finish building your app and publish it on a hosting of your choice, then you are no longer tied to a Wappler license and you can just cancel your subscription. Your app works, and your code is on your computer. You can even edit it by hand using any code editor of your choice.

The credit/debit card required for starting the trial is just for validation. We don’t charge you for starting the trial, we only charge you if you decide to keep using Wappler after the trial ends.

That’s true, but if Wappler subscription doesn’t justify the cost for the job you are doing, then it’s just not the right tool for you and we are fine with that. We can’t be the one-and-only tool that pleases everyone.

I know everybody wants a free license which allows them to spend months (maybe years?) “studying” Wappler and building an app and then publish it when finished, all of this for free, but that’s not an option for now.

Thanks for your feedback, it’s nice to see different opinions here.


Thank you @Teodor

That’s true, but if Wappler subscription doesn’t justify the cost for the job you are doing, then it’s just not the right tool for you and we are fine with that. We can’t be the one-and-only tool that pleases everyone.

My only point here is that a smart person, motivated to improve his/her lot in life has no chance with your pricing model. They have NO job to justify anything. That’s why they are trying to improve themselves.

BTW. I found Wappler buried inside a Youtube video mentioning several platforms. Despite researching extensively I did not find any direct links to your great product during my general searches. I’m simply suggesting that if you had a higher adoption rates you would be doing yourselves, the community and the world a service by becoming better know.

Anyway, this is a “choice” for me but it’s not for the majority of the worlds population.


I don’t think its unreasonable to expect anyone (including poorer nations) to invest in self enrichment whether it be education, courses, or learning a platform like Wappler. Wappler vastly increases productivity and for me personally it’s been the best investment both personally and professionally. It did take me a lot of time to master, adding to the frustration of encountering many bugs along the way, but this was trumped by the pure enjoyment I got from using Wappler and seeing my visions come to reality. I love the journey of learning Wappler as it also improved my tech still in general.

I am not the most technical person in the world but the 2 weeks free trial gave me more than enough confidence (and joy) to realise it was worth the investment to pursue and push forward. I have never looked back and I thank the Wappler team and the community for their continuous support and hard work in making this THE best platform on the market today.

I see big things for Wappler down the line and if I could invest in Wappler before they eventually IPO I would!


Agree with you @daves88!

I m maybe the strangest user of wappler because I use it just for internal development of application for my own business. Not using it for commercial projects of websites for customer. And subscription fee it is already justified just by the improvements systems developed with wappler brought to us. So if you want to establish a business the Wappler’s subscription is the less important point…


I think I take that crown, i currently pay for wappler to make free videos about wappler.


Love them! Keep it up

Sorry, son! I can top that. I’ll take the :crown:, thank you.

I pay for Wappler only to be able to follow the videos that are produced by Brian (@Hyperbytes).


Too funny!

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It is rumoured that I am actually bens secret love child from an earlier life. (When he was 14!)


I can picture the scene…
