Wappler installation on Centos 7

Hello guys, i need to install wappler on centos 7; i am not a linux guru there for i realy will appreciate any help; a procedure will be wanderfull.
Thank you

Did this not help?

i see no word “wappler” in this procedure…

Are you running centOS as desktop and you want to install Wappler on it?

Maybe consider Ubuntu.

Changing the OS on this machine is not an option…

Try to generate a rpm package from the deb package of Wappler that we offer as download for Linux, follow:


I downoaded the linux version of wappler from https://wappler.io/download/. I can’t use that?

The Linux version is ment for Ubuntu distribution and it is the “deb” installer format.

You can use it on CentOS or RHEL but you have to convert it to the first to their “rpm” installer format to install it.

You can do that with the alien package as described in the link above.

I will see if we can supply also an ready to go rpm package for download in the future.

There are different linux installers available now:
Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 17.27.30

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