Wappler for Graphic Designers

I’m coming from Adobe Muse and feeling quite overwhelmed. There’s not much out there as far as tutorials are concerned, and most of what’s being said is a bit over my head. I think Wappler is the next and best step for me as a graphic designer. At least that’s what all me research has led me to believe. I’m starting out with a static site, but even then it’s a bit hard to get my head around it all being a visual designer vs web developer.

I think what most designers need help with is the basic process of setting up sites correctly. Server model, host, server-side, FTP, etc… We get some of the terminology, but how they all work together in a software such as Wappler can get confusing. Designing text, adding images, and overall design is easy for us. It’s understanding how to get there.

I know a lot of you will say study, study, study and we do, but it’s hard to take in when your wired to the right-brain. That’s why visual tutorials help us immensely.

There are a lot of designers out there who are looking for the next Adobe Muse. I hope Wappler can get us there :slight_smile:


you need to have some knowledge in the work of servers and database. wappler makes everything very fast to develop but its not a proprietary language or technology.

Hi Shepherd!

Welcome to Wappler! We are getting more and more graphic designers and are working hard to make your Wappler journey and learning process as easy as possible. That is why your feedback is very valuable to us!

Indeed our first users are move coming from the development corner - looking for the great productivity boost and no-code principles Wappler is giving them. But that is because of our history with DMXzone where it all got started. The high quality components, reactive front-end frameworks (App Connect) and Visual workflow Back-End Frameworks (Server Connect) were already available there for Adobe Dreamweaver users as extensions.

With Wappler we make all those great powers available in a whole new fully visual oriented tool.

And Wappler is progressing fast, winning the hearts of each user group by its simplicity and power. So indeed in the beginning it might seem a little but overwhelming but that is always the case with every great power.

There are already lots of learning resources available and many more to come.

You can always start with the Wappler docs:

Available as source at

Our Youtube channel:

There is a full blown web development introduction video course of about 6 hours made by @psweb at:

More is coming from @Hyperbytes at ( https://wapplerunwrapped.online/ - not yet available )

And also @drymetal - is busy with a video course Build a beautiful website with Wappler - even if you aren’t a good designer

As many people designers are switching from Adobe Muse, Dreamweaver, Webflow and Wix to Wappler, we definitely need more video training for graphical designers.

So please document your Wappler experience, post here all feedback and ideas of how to make Wappler more accessible for graphic designers, so we can get right on top of it.

We have a very speedy development and update cycle of Wappler, so your ideas and improvements might get very quickly integrated in Wappler.

See also:

So get started Shepherd and Wappler will become also the best tool for graphical designers suddenly gaining powers that only developers had before!