Wappler Features Web page It's burning my macbook Pro M1

Does it happen to you too or is my macbook crazy?
I think i gonna need like 5 M1 Max just to run your Web Site guys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Grabación de pantalla 2022-07-21 a la(s) 19.14.39

Btw this also happens with Safari and Firefox too

Yeah, seems after being on the Wappler site for a couple minutes the cooling fan does kick into high gear.

(Nice work on the site though)

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No problem on Linux @Max_Saravia (ahhhh the cool Arctic air), must be a Mac thing! Heard they have a little difficulty cooling… Kind of like my chickens in the sun flapping their wings about hahaha…


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Stupid Sexy Linux… Damn u @Dave! :cry:

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Can you try clearing your browser cache, on your video i see some old styling left from the previous design.

Yep i did that and even opened in a incognito mode in Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Did you experience the same problem on your mac Teo? Its just in the feature web page. I guess it may be because of all the videos that load. In fact I myself experienced something similar on one of my sites a while back.

It’s happening on my Intel Mac too when browsing the features page. I have browsed this page on Safari and Edge and the CPU usage jumps from 2-3%% to 100% or more for the browser process. If I stop the video, the CPU usage falls back to 2%.

No, it doesn’t happen on my mac:

But i still think your browser shows some cached version - the background, buttons and text are different on your video. Actually - the features page uses exactly the same scripts as the one on the old site.

Here u can watch two new samples with a chrome in incognito mode and safari both showing the brand new style.

Weird, can’t reproduce this here. Does the CPU usage go down after a while, i.e. when the videos have been loaded?

No, it doesn’t go down, it only goes down when I switch tabs or minimize the browser.
Btw I already tried restarting the mac and even going into safe mode just in case.

Grabación de pantalla 2022-07-22 a la(s) 03.21.41

The features page should be improved now, no more high-cpu usage. Make sure to clear your browser cache :slight_smile:

Yep now is working like charm. Could you tell me pls what it was and how did you fix it? This information could be useful if it ever happens to me or to others :grinning:

We will be updating our app connect video component shortly with the fix. It will be much more efficient now empowering all the latest web technologies to save cpu :slight_smile:


@patrick cast a spell on one of our script and fixed it. It will be included in the next updates.


This has been fixed in Wappler 5.0.1

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