Wappler, Docker and AWS Database nightmares

Hi all,

I’m getting a bit frustrated with Wappler and going round in circles.

I’ve got a local docker project with a MySQL database. All working fine - can update/add tables etc
When I deploy to AWS Target via Docker, nothing gets changed on the remote database. Only the sample tables are showing, so new tables added do not appear.

All is good on the deployment (All Green) and I’ve been able to sign in with NaviCat into the AWS database with the same credentials as remote docker but its only showing the sample tables and not any updated structure as applied in the local project.

Wonder if it’s a bug.

I’m on the verge of throwing in the towel on this so any help/pointers will be appreciated.


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With docker deploy you only deploy files to your server.
Database Manager is used to apply changes from the local db to the remote one.

Thanks Teodor

No matter what I do in the Database Manager; has no effect on the remote DB.
Am I missing something?


Are you just deploying on the target? if so you need to apply changes:


That’s it! Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou from stopping me going mad! :hugs



Maybe also check a video from me from a while ago, explaining different database deployment workflows:


Thanks George - definitely will watch that :slight_smile: