Wappler DB Manager fails when no database name is given

DB manager is not related here!
You just need a Server Connect Database Connectio made properly. Probably your connection details are not right, so that the tables are not populated!

@Teodor you got a fancier server connect :wink:

But as I mentioned earlier, connection is OK

The main problem is actually showing my tables, and the error of Wappler fetching more a row for schemas

It looks different for PHP server model, that’s not the issue.

I see George commented this above, but ARE YOU SURE you have entered Database Name in your connection details in Server Action and in Database Manager:

This can NOT be empty.


What is already in the database? Seems the table query is returning multiple tables with the same name.



Well just empty the whole database and start over - you seems to have messed it up with all the previous attempts


Please delete and recreate the whole database - not just deleting the tables, there is much more meta schema involved.

@George Well, that would beat the point of using Supabase dashboard if I got rid of its features, wouldn’t it? You are suggesting to just connect to a raw postgres.

How hard is it for Wappler to just pull all the schemas?

Well Wappler uses knex and some of its queries to fetch table data, like this one:

select table_name, table_schema,
   (select obj_description(oid) FROM pg_class
      where relkind = 'r' and relname = table_name) as table_comment
     from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'public' and table_catalog = ? and table_type = 'BASE TABLE'`;

Like to fetch many comments for the tables, but seems your database have two comments for non existing tables

There is a FR open for that. You can vote for it.

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I also proposed for Server Connect extensibility to include the option to plug into Security Provider and Restrict. Your case would add to the reasons to allow that.

Edit: created a FR


I see indeed the tables list query - doesn’t take into account the schema when fetching comments for the table. Will improve that

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Thank you @JonL @George

This has been improved in Wappler 3.7.5

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