Wappler Components Help and Tooltips

I must admit that I am impressed with the functionality of Wappler with all of its elements and blocks and the integration of Bootstrap 4.

But I must also admit to exhaustion from having to click on each of them in a page containing one of them, and then another to guess what each one is supposed to do.

I am in dire need of a functional dictionairy that explanes the difference between the AC Browser, AC Moment, AC swiper, AC Route, etc, and the Ac Repeat children, AC Array, Array, AC Varriable, BSA Tab Content, BSA Table, BSA Progress, BSA Growing Spinner,etc, etc, etc. This guessing game is really delaying my commitment to the Wappler.

I need a look-up, functional dictionary to the terminology - preferably in pop-up box over each choice of a feature, element and block. What do they each do???

And, how am I to teach my team the differences and when to use which. Like I said, Impressive but Exhausting.


Hello Jay, a good idea is to start with Wappler documentation: https://docs.wappler.io/
It will explain you how to do certain tasks, which include the components you mention. There is no way to put a tutorial about each component in the UI.

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Doesn’t have to be in the UI - but the docs are pretty out of date if you are going to keep introducing hundreds of new elements into the design process. I can see that you folks are committed to replacing Dreamweaver, but I gave up Dreamweaver 6 years ago (after using it for 20 years) because the web development industry got away from them. I went to a platform with the foundation there and then put themes on top of it. Then Adobe cleverly bought Magento and put a developer’s front end on it and the cost got out of control. Your developers are great, but you are leaving the designers behind assuming they have the time to learn what you have done. I have to explain to young people who have an idea for a new website, how to beat out the competition. They need Wappler out of necessity. Wappler has to be easy to use by non-software developers if it to be successful. Dreamweaver was easy to learn and use for a long time and built millions of websites.

Actually Jay,

Our recent Wappler updates are more targeted to designers. That is the Blocks and also the new Design panel. The design Panel is already well documented as Teodor pointed you to

Those docs are completely up to date.

Documentation for the Blocks will be coming up when we officially release it. Now it is just in preview.


Good idea indeed. We will also add tooltips to the components with explanation.


A post was split to a new topic: Working with Boostrap 4 Navbar

Sounds Great!

Hello Mr. Petrov,

I have a client who is interested in using the Wappler for building a product/service for his new communication business. He has asked me to evaluate the product and company for him. I have learned a lot about both during this last week. I like the design tools, although they take some getting used to, as every new innovation does. But I also have some concern about the way my questions were handled while I was working on my evaluation.

I was pleased to learn about the json file method of storing and presenting images and text in a static website that needs to be portable and easily replicated. New to me, this path seemed worth exploring - databases can be a nuisance. But the idea was scoffed, which surprised me since it was supposed to be a PLUS for Wappler.

I think this was part of an underlying attitude that I think you ought to be aware of as Wappler’s founder. I kept encountering efforts by the firm’s community members to belittle my need for their assistance. They seemed to imply that I needed to find other work since I didn’t understand software and website design.

As a business owner of 35 years, I did not appreciate such implications from someone supposedly providing service to me and representing you, and your new firm.

This is a heads-up, and nothing more. I have no ax to grind, and I like where you are taking the company. Finally, I wish you great success and I hope we can something of this opportunity.


John Francis

Founder and Owner of WebStack Ventures, LLC


All that the "firm's community members" i.e me, were trying to explain you is that you should first check the documentation we provide with the product.
The documentation which took us months to produce, which you clearly refuse to follow.

I pointed you at least 15 times in your 80+ posts topic to the exact screenshot showing what to do and you said this was missing from the docs :slight_smile:

Maybe you should just go check all the basics in our getting started section first?

The one thing you emphasized was “read the docs”. You tell me how many times the term “jsonDS1” was printed in the screenshots (I count 6). How was I going to tell that was the only outdated aspect of all the docs? You should have paid attention when I told you I was reading them.

I even complimented you on the list of startup articles you recommended, and read them all - even though many of them did not apply to what I wanted to know. My task was to evaluate your company’s product and service. I made that clear and that’s what I did. I put 5 days (so far) into this project including two over the weekend. It was yours to make sure I made a positive assessment of your service.

I told you to check the docs. If it's jsonDS1 or jsonDS999 it doesn't matter. I told you to use the data picker to select your repeating element and not to write it by hand!
15 times! If you use the data picker it will select the proper ID.

A task which takes around 20 seconds (11 steps in docs) should not take 5 days.
It has never taken anybody 5 days, it is not supposed to take 5 days.

Our documentation is detailed enough so that people with zero experience set up dynamic websites in a week.
I did not expect a person with 35 years of experience and 200 websites built would not understand the detailed documentation we provide.

I won’t be the only person that you ever meet who doesn’t know what a “data picker” is, or where to find it hidden behind two clicks, or what to pick when he/she gets there.

I thought you didn’t want to waste any more time on me?

Yes and that’s why there’s a screenshot of every step showing where to click.
And no, I don’t want to spend any more time on things which are already documented :slight_smile:

We expect the people who are using our software to have at least most basic understanding of how websites work, what the different file types do and at least basic knowledge of computer systems.

Look, if you want to help, please tell me where I can find the documents on how to create a template of the page I built and how to get it to include to the json file.

Here we go again: