What do you think about this??
I guess there is no reason to doubt his conclusion, after all these are his recommended app builders
That's how much he respects portability, to name one.
The method of ranking itself is flawed. Unless the reviewer has actually spent time using all these tools and shipping some dummy app, the review is just based on arbitrary categories and numbers.
That seems like just the next youtuber trying to get views/followers talking about trendy topics
Maybe we can try publishing Success cases in the website.
Hello everyone, Regarding the YouTuber in question, I think it’s best to take the advice of Virgil to Dante in the Divine Comedy: "Let us not speak of them, but look and pass." Sometimes, it's better not to waste our time.
Kind of agree.
He was objective using those categories and the scoring system. He was even too nice giving a +2 in documentation. The own nature of Wappler makes it very difficult to rank high in documentation.
But the problem are those categories and the scoring system. Specially the scoring system.
Wappler should be +5 on customisation, extensibility, and code export. Scores that no other competitor could meet for those categories.
He also forgot important categories like pricing and platform limits where wappler would also mop the floor with its competitors.
In Ireland we'd refer to a giddy youngster like this as 'a mis-informed Gobshite'
Giving “Templates” and “Code Export” the same weight is…..interesting.