Wappler Application log information

Anyone at Wappler,

My computer was stolen the other day. I was wondering if Wappler servers log any IP information. I know when my computer boots up, wappler automatically loads and checks version info. If an IP address is logged form my account, this would help the police track them down.

Thanks for a wonderful app, I plan to reinstall on my new computer as soon as it gets here.

Since Wappler uses the same log in as the forum …

Go to your account preferences here in the forum. (Click on your icon at the top right and click on the cog to go to your preferences.) Scroll right to the bottom and you will see logged in devices. Hover your mouse over the location and it will show an IP address in the tooltip. Maybe that will help. It’s worth checking out.


Hi Sam,

Sorry we can’t see anything else. The best chance is for you to check indeed to used devices here in your forum profile. As we use in Wappler indeed the same login as for the forum here, like Brad said.

It always feels terrible to have your computer stolen… hope at least you got good insurance.

With all those Bluetooth and wifi connections continuously working - it is very easy for criminals to detect where the good hardware is. This is how a friend of mine lost his iPad from the trunk of his car in a public garage - it was just pinged and the criminals knew there is a good stuff in its trunk…

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Thanks for the feed back. I’ll monitor this and see what happens.