I installed Wappler beta 7 yesterday. When I opened it, I was glad to see it picked up my projects. I opened one and took a look around. (great improvements!)
Now, when I open Wappler 6.8.0, I get a notice asking me to "Install Update 7.0.0-beta7."
I don't think I should update my stable Wappler to a beta version as they are intended to open separately.
Looks like Wappler 7 updated the configuration so it's on the beta update channel - the configuration is shared between stable and beta, that's why it picked up the projects from Wappler 6.
I guess you're going to have to wait for someone from the Wappler team to reply. Until then, the best you can do is ignore
Just for the heck of it I opened 6.8.0 as I never use it anymore. I get two prompts? Don't know why it is asking me to update extensions as well. I think this is indeed a bug.