Wappler 6.0

Any news about Wappler 6.0 release?? Any idea for new updates?

I was thinking the same today, it’s been a while since we had any news -it’d be nice to have a rough idea what was happening with V6.

I’m okay with it being a few more months if it means it is tested and solid. Releasing a release just for the sake of releasing isn’t a good plan.


We share the same sentiment as you Brad.


I guess that you have not heard of:

What is Rapid Application Development (RAD)? | Codebots

Without this, we would find ourselves back in the era of the ‘other’ IDE.

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And that is the way it is normally done. Which is great. But to hold off on a single release a year isn’t a bad idea. This is a major update to App Connect which is a base of what Wappler projects are built on. This next update has to be done right.

I even hope the team takes their annual summer break before releasing rather than right after.

Then the regular RAD updates can continue.

We definitely don’t want to go full route of the ‘other’ IDE. lol


+1 for stability over RAD.

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We are getting there! Stability and performance is our top priority, so that is why we are working hard together with the Electron team to make the latest Electron (which Wappler is based on), rock solid so we can all enjoy its performance and stability.

So there were some major issues the Electron team had to ironed first before we can start the beta, and they will be completed this week.

So this gave us a bit more time to work on great new major features such as real-time document database integrations and synchronizations with CouchDB and PouchDB that we will be available in the first beta.

So as said we are almost there and hope to start the Wappler 6 beta cycle by the end of this or next week.

So stay tuned :slight_smile:


Just to give more weight to the already unpopular opinion :sweat_smile:: +1 for stability