Wappler 4 RFC: Editor Tabs for Server Connect actions

What do you refer to with Wappler 3 menu?

The doubling up server actions area this would be solved by the split sections if implemented in to Wappler 4

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That would be one possible solution indeed. There are probably dozens of alternative solutions to the problem some users see.

It’s just a matter of brainstorming them between all of us as you are doing.

I believe a combination of split tabs, command palette to change quickly between tabs, tab preview and removing additional clicks from modals should be more than enough to make people equally or more productive than having to maintain the old panel. A few disagree.

Agreed there are so many benefits to tabs they just need a few tweaks they have only just been implemented I believe a new active tab area would solve the big issue on the no doubling up server actions and make it even better

If we had the possibility to remove where the current page tabs are up at the top what cut into the menu at the moment anyway and place them in a new active tab area once you open the tabs you’d be working with you could then do something like right click then select bind to right on anything but lets use a page here (as this is the big thing some aren’t liking) now that page will remain there allowing you to left click other active tabs in your active tabs area allowing you to work on everything you need to for that page

You could also keep a lot more tabs open as its on the side nav so won’t cut off after like 8 items opened

one click would allow fullscreen here unless a bind is assigned to the right once in the action easy editing no modals as everything is tab based

Options to save and close, save, close without saving tabs to stop the need to have the extra action of save then after close the tab

These are some of the thoughts I had but I have full faith in the Wappler team nailing this its already amazing just like most things with Wappler :slight_smile:

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Thank you all for the feedback! This is all great material to work on.

We will be evaluating all options and see what is all possible.

And if there are bigger workflow changes, we will see to add them as an option indeed so you can choose your own optimal workflow.

So let’s see where the next beta will bring us :slight_smile:


@George one more important UI requirement with tabs functionality: QoL: Add parent folder name to UI tab

Like @brad suggested in his other post, I too keep same named SA inside different folders. It would be critical to not have to hover and wait for the tooltip to identify what is what.


One solution to this could be to leave the old method in place but leave it out of any instructions so it’s there for those who liked it but doesn’t confuse new users? Just a thought.

I’m generally keen for new ways of working. I don’t tend to want to cling onto something and resist change, I just feared the new way would be a step back. However, I’m very much looking forward to beta 7 which sounds like it could solve everything.

No pressure @George :wink:

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@George - I’m not sure if this has been mentioned, but I’ve noticed two things with this update, one maybe a bug - the other a slow-down in workflow (for me anyway).

  1. Where do you save the SC if you have it expanded into the new tab? I tried 2/3 different times and each time when I went back to the SC in the left hand panel, the changes were not applied.
  2. With this implementation I cannot find anyway to get to the actual JSON file from within Wappler of the SC. I found this useful to manually edit in the case of bugs, custom work. Now if I open it up in the SC panel, or in the files panel it just opens the UI version - not the JSON version of the file.

I believe the only way at the moment is either cmd-s (ctrl-s) or via the menu but the next update might add a button.

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I love the preview tab. It makes total sense but I would improve the experience a bit more.

  1. On double click make it stay.
  2. On another single click on another file open new preview tab.

In preparation for tabbed views. I might want to compare two SCs side-by-side without having to change something in one so it stays open.

  1. By default open it as the first tab. Even better and if possible add a setting in UI settings where you can select where to open SCs(including previews) “first tab”, “last tab” or “after selected tab”

This will make easy for people to understand where all their SCs open by default.

Sorry for always putting VSC as an example. They have iterated so much over their UI that they got a lot of things right and it’s easy to explain by showing it in a VSC video.

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I like the idea behind the new tabs, especially for server actions. I’d just like to have the ability to have design view or code editor open alongside my long server action files. Seems like empty prime real estate on larger screens.

This might not be possible but just my 2 cents.

It will be possible once they add split tabs.

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Installed and checked. I want to say that today I completely agree with Jon. Absolutely on all points. If in beta 6 you significantly abolished the old functionality of Wappler 3 and gave a 100% green light to the new tab functionality, then in beta 7 it seems to me that you have abolished tabs too much. I think full-fledged tabs are great, they can really do a lot of useful things. And I’ve never been against them, as long as they don’t interfere with useful functionality. In this beta 7, I really like the preview functionality. This is very similar to what was in Wappler 3, only better! If you add to this the first two points of Jon, then you get an amazing flexible functionality, which can be incredibly fast if necessary, or give more control and customization in the case of more meticulous work on several actions at the same time.

I definitely like what happens, and I like what can happen even more.

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Is that up for serious consideration? Or is it just a FR at the moment?

It’s been confirmed.

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Absolutely agree. I very much hope @JonL is correct.

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It won’t be empty real estate if they are able to put the query builders there as opposed to the modals they are in now.


They can just move it below and add a scroll bar when the viewport of a specific tab group is smaller than x pixels.

If you think about it a modal is the maximum exponent of ruining any real estate on the screen. Because when you have it open you can’t do anything else on the app :smiley:

Still I know what your problem is with the screen size and I empathize with you.

If you all like the preview functionality for the tabs, we might implement it more generally as well.

So for example on html pages with design view and app connect. As long as you don’t edit - new pages can be loaded in the same preview tab.

There can be a preview tab per editor tab. So one for server connect, one for html pages, one for code view pages etc.


I would use this a lot.