Wappler 3.5.1 Released

Wappler 3.5.1 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Major Update of Server Connect in Wappler!

We have greatly improved Server Connect panel and possibilities in Wappler, while remaining fully backwards compatible!

Now you can define Global Variables to be used in all actions as well Global Action Steps to be executed automatically!
Also you can use Global Settings for all your Database Connections, Security Providers, S3 Storage Providers, OAuth2, JWT Signing etc
Define them once and then just reuse them in all your actions! No need for separate connections or providers steps!

The new Server Connect UI and options are available as Experimental Feature for you to review!

Also for our PHP users, we have completely rewritten the Mailer module to use the newer and much modern PHPMailer. So all the latest security settings and TLS options should work out of the box!

Major Server Connect Update

  • NEW Server Connect Globals - define global variables that can be used in all server actions! you can even add global action steps to be always execited!
  • NEW Global Settings for all your Database Connections, Security Providers, S3 Storage Providers, JWT Signing etc
  • Now you no longer need to specify a step for making database connection or other providers setup but just them directly!
  • Renamed the main “Server Actions” to API to more suite its need as an REST API.
  • Includes the AWS Core library for ASP.NET

New Server Mailer for PHP

  • empowering the latest PHPMailer component

S3 Connector

  • New S3 Connector for ASP.NET

Server API Connector

  • Added support for Global OAuth2 provider choice

Bug Fixes


But wait there is more!

Wappler 3.5.1

As expected from such a major update as Wappler 3.5 - some bugs sneaked in, but our dedicated team pulled some long nights to solve those quickly!

Database Manager

  • Improved editing and deleting of Database Connections in the Database Manager

Server Connect

  • Included fixes for the NodeJS Security Provider, S3 and other

App Connect

  • Fixed conflict with reCaptcha and serverconnect form

App Connect Views

  • Fixed issue with flow script blocks inside router/view component

Project Active Target switch

  • Also copy target specific files on switch for classic projects without docker