Wappler 3.0.0 Beta 3 Released

Wappler 3.0.0 Beta 3 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/beta/

Latest stable 2.9.1 is still available
You can switch as you wish

What’s New

Docker all the way!

In this update we have greatly improved our Docker integration and added full support for NodeJS! Now you can fully run your NodeJS driven sites in Docker locally as development as well remote in full production!

By using the Docker environment you are ensured that your local development is exactly the same as your production and enjoy a speedy and solid development setup!

Next to the Docker deployments, we have also greatly improved the FTP deployment of NodeJS projects. Now you can setup your NodeJS hosting easily with most common Plesk or cPanel admin panels and Wappler wil take care of the deployment and upload for you!


  • Fully supporting Docker now! You can now choose to use Docker in your project target options and all your NodeJS project will be run straight from Docker! No need for local servers any more
  • When using Docker for NodeJS you can also choose to use any of the predefined Docker Databases and all the needed Database connections for Server Connect and the Database Manager will be automatically created! So you can go directly to the Database Manager and manage your Docker based Database!
  • Implement the Node Packages install, update and clean commands also for Docker based Node containers! Now you can use the deploy toolbar to directly update your running docker containers!
  • All the NodeJS integrations and new Docker targets are not always available - no need for experimental features to be on
  • Added more automatic updates to package.json for NodeJS projects. Now also the wacthed files with Nodemon
  • with Docker and Nodejs - now do npm install for any updated node modules and then relaunch the container
  • Improved Database support for paged queries

NodeJS and FTP publishing

  • Added support for auto uploading to ftp targets
  • Auto restart remote NodeJS server after each upload by uploading a special /tmp/restart.txt file required by the most common installations in Plesk or cPanel hosting panels using Phusion Passenger as NodeJS manager
  • Implemented FTP for targets with different webroot like the NodeJS projects
  • Improved FTP test connection also for remote targets
  • Added node_modules to the ftp ignore list as those should never be uploaded but installed on the remote server


  • Added Global Project Option to specify user uploads folder
  • When specified - it will be used by docker to create user upload folders that remain persistent
  • Added .dockerignore file for nodeJS projects
  • Added support for remote docker hosts and NodeJS
  • Improved Docker Machine Manager for better integration with the latest Docker and automatic docker machine creation
  • Do not require npminstall for docker projects - they have everything included in their images

Project Manager

  • Allows you fully to create Docker based projects from the start. Now also including NodeJS
  • After creating new Docker projects, now always build them the first time so they can be launched

Project Settings

  • Improved Project options dialog
  • Improved targets editing in the project options. Now adding a new target will copy most of the options from the last select one
  • Passwords on the targets are now hidden visually
  • Auto change the web server and language when NodeJS is chosen in the Docker target

Pages Manager

  • Fixed design view not rendering pages when opened from the Pages Manager

Database Manager

  • Made SQLite file path choice to be project root relative
  • Sort tables alphabetically
  • Improve table refresh and display state
  • Make the toolbar plus also work for creating new Database Connections, when it is selected


  • Implemented all shortkeys for new new managers
    Alt-P = Pages Manager
    Alt-A = Assets Manager
    Alt-F = Files Manager
    Alt-D = Database Manager
    Alt-T = Theme Manager