Wappler 2.3.0 Released

Wappler 2.3.0 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Finally it is here - the complete Docker integration! Now you can not only fully develop locally with Docker but also deploy to any remote Docker host!
Development and Deploy has never been easier!

Routing Manager is also improved based on your feedback. Now you can define routes even easier and we handle some specific Apache configurations automatically as well.


  • Added full support for remote docker deploy, check the new Docker Deploy Usage Guide
  • New options for remote docker engine options
  • Automatic generation of dockerfiles per target
  • Remote docker targets are considered production and all files from the current project are copied to them
  • Do not auto start/stop remote docker on target switch as those are production
  • Rebuild remote images on launch so that the newest files are always available
  • Make docker containers auto start
  • Ignore .git and .svn folders on remote deploy
  • Improved target switching and docker status check
  • Close all open terminals on project or target switch
  • When project switch or target switch, close first other running docker containers that might use the same ports when starting the new ones
  • Improved docker status detection when containers are being managed from outside of Wappler
  • Improve docker container monitoring from Wappler
  • Terminal started from a docker target in Wappler, will now allows you to perform docker and docker-compose commands directly on that target
  • Create a persistent volume for the database on remote docker host, so the database is retained even after container rebuild
  • Fully enable secure Docker service communication. Now it can be enabled on Docker Remotes using the “Use TLS” option and supplying a certificate folder
  • When supplying a certificate folder it needs to contain the files ca.pen, cert.pem and key.pem that are generated on the docker host as described in:
  • Add validation of the Docker certificate folder when TLS is enabled for secure docker service management enabled.
  • Make Deploy button more prominent and allow to redeploy on running remotes
  • Make separate shutdown button
  • Improved docker remote target editing when using TLS
  • Testing Docker connection now gives a nice progress and can be aborted
  • When fully shutting down and clear a remote docker instance with database - the database is now cleared as well.
  • Automatically compose the remote URL from the docker host and web port number used for remote dockers, or use localhost for local docker instances

Project Settings

  • Added docker target connection testing
  • Improved testing of FTP Servers

Routing Manager

  • Improved adding new routes - now a file picker directly popups and the path of the chosen file is used as routing path as default
  • Improved routing picker on pages - now relative route is used when project is in links relative to document mode, or full site roote relative otherwise
  • Improve the routing on some apache servers that have the MultiViews on

Git Manager

  • Show conflict warning
  • New ability to solve conflicts
  • Updated revert commit with automatic conflict solving

File Manager

  • Added option to add entry to gitignore in File Manager context menu

Extension Updates

  • Improved Security Provider Enforcer for ASP.NET and Classic ASP