Wappler 2.2.0 Released

Wappler 2.2.0 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Another major update of Wappler specially for you!
Now we have fully finalized the Git integration as well the new File Manager. So those features are now official and no longer under the experimental flag.
The File Manager includes now also a remote target view to show you the remote folder tree. Useful for FTP targets to browse the remote.
With the latest Font Awesome 5 Pro update you can also fully use the new Duotone icons!

New File Manager

  • finalized all File Manager actions
  • Included remote target view now, so you can easily see tha remote tree
  • Remote tree has now green colored folder icons


  • Improved project and file saving to be more rock solid

App Connect

  • Added empty action to the Array component

App Connect Data Formatters

  • Improved the titlecase formatter behavior

Server Connect

  • Improve core to support dynamic object and array creation

Server Mailer

  • Improved PHP Html mail component

Server Formatters

  • Improved the titlecase formatter

File System Connector

  • Fixed recursion in the statistics action