Wappler 1.3.3 Released

Wappler 1.3.3 Released

What’s New

In this updated we have great improvements upcoming design panel, but also in the FTP publishing, Query Builder and much more!

Design Panel

  • Color picker is greatly improved now. You can save and reuse your colors in swatches per project! Also if you are using bootstrap on your pages - the bootstrap theme colors are automatically detected and added as swatches!

  • New selection mode of the margin/padding/borders controls!
    Now you can just click on multiple sides to select them! Then when changing an option or dragging they all go together!
    Really useful if you want to resize only left & right or top & bottom sides!
    Click in the middle select or deselects all!

  • Greatly improve the live update in design view of the color preview and margin/padding/borders resize and display - it is so much faster now.

  • Improved fonts picker - lots of predefined fonts and families now available in a drop down with auto complete.

  • The new rich margin/padding/borders control now have much sleeker animated hover for optimal user experience.

  • Fixed changing the display mode to inline and flex in advanced options

  • Hide margin and padding options for inline display mode as they don’t apply

FTP Publishing

  • Greatly improved uploading of related files! Now only new or changed files are uploaded and on save just the file you are working on! So no more extensive synchronization each time as it is not needed. The new stuff is uploaded automatically
  • In global options now you can set folders to exclude from FTP
  • Synchronization (mirror) commands no longer try to continue uploads as this might lead to corruption on some FTP servers

Design View

  • Added new device view: Landscape Phone. It was the missing view mode for Bootstrap 4 design.

General Improvements

  • We have updated the profile and purchase dialogs to be more friendly and informative about our great Wappler community. So that more people join in and share their Wappler experience


  • Fixed Query builder to be able to insert multiple joins to the same table at once
  • Fixed CSS Styles panel to load even if some files or CSS maps are missing

Thank you Wappler, will be playing around for the weekend, and thank you so much for the added view, very excited, working exactly as I was hoping.

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Thanks a lot for getting the FTP changes into this release. As you know, this has been causing me some problems recently…

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Added small emergency fix, updated the version 1.3.3

Due to last minute bug in the options dialog.

All fixed now. Please use the latest version 1.3.3


Usually when a company offers an update of 0.0.x, you’re getting maybe a bug fix or something forgetful. You guys, you add entirely new features that are game changers. Love the color storage! Very useful and helpful. Love everything in this update. Great job!


@drymetal I perfectly h agree with you… each 0.0.x we have important improvements. If we were with other companies this would be the 5.0 version!

I wish say a big thank you to @George, @Teodor, @patrick and all the Wappler/DMXzone for their approach with users in the development of Wappler and for their kindness to resolve all our problems.


A post was split to a new topic: Improve menu bar for MacOS Mojave dark mode

2 posts were split to a new topic: Wappler closes when closing About dialog