Wappler 1.3.0 Released

Wappler 1.3.0 Released

What’s New

In this update we have put our attention to producing error free websites, so we have extended Wappler with some great feedback on JavaScript errors that might occur on your page as well connectivity errors.
So when something is wrong with your page you can immediately see an indication and take action!
Check the new icons on the design view toolbar!

No more “Nothing happens” situations! Now you are in full control! If you have a wrong link to an image or link to non existent css or js file - immediately an error count shows in red next to the icons.

Also we have greatly improved new experimental Design panel. All based on your great feedback!
So check out the new margin and paddings controls! Now you can drag them as you wish with full visual feedback in design view. Also the UI is now very clean.

What’s New:


  • New JavaScript and Connectivity check icons on design view toolbar. A notify with the number of errors is shown when detected and you can click on them for full list.
    • When clicking on a specific javascript error - the related file is opened in a different tab and the line is selected
    • When clicking on a connectivity error - for example bad image, the element using the image is selected
  • Improved automatic include order - now App Connect and jQuery (if used) are placed always on top on save!

Bootstrap 4

  • Bootstrap 4 form now have output Data bindings when extended as Server Connect form
  • Updated Bootstrap 4 Collapse and Cards for Accordion support
  • Added collapsed data property to the Bootstrap 4 Collapse element

Extension Updates

  • Updated App Connect and Server Connect Formatters for better UI refresh


  • Solved allIncludes not defined error. Happened when you have inline JS blocks and they are reordered
  • Fixed dynamic events in the DOM tree

Perfectly timed for an awesome weekend of playing. Yeah. Thank you Wappler


Very impressed with this update. The errors feature is awesome and useful. Happy about that.

I also love the design panel now. Very slick interface, it has a scheme that is unique to Wappler, and easy to use. You guys did a fantastic job of cleaning it up and making it a solid part of the program. I really like what you guys did with the padding and margin areas. Very good design and intuitive also. Excited to see what comes next for the borders! Also, everything is arranged very smartly and cleanly in the advanced views.
Wappler is maturing quickly. Great job and very excited to see what you guys do next!

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