Wappler 1.2.4 Released

Wappler 1.2.4 Released

What’s New

Another week of great Wappler experience - and boy are we proud from our Wappler community!
You guys delivered amazing feedback to us helping make Wappler a solid and awesome tool!

We would like also specially to thank Paul Strydom for creating this amazing Wappler video course! In about 6 hours you will learn how to fully design and build your own extended CMS system! From hosting to database design and complete implementation in Wappler!
Check it out at https://www.learnwappler.com/

More Video tutorials are coming up so keep an eye at https://community.wappler.io/

What’s New:

Bootstrap 4

  • Updated Bootstrap 4 to the latest version 4.1.3
  • Updated Bootswatch themes to the latest 4.1.3
  • Allow containers and rows in tab panes
  • Added main sections in Bootstrap 4
  • Improved converting bootstrap 4 forms to Server Connect forms

Design View

  • Improved refreshing App Connect components rendering after properties change

Database Connector

  • Fixed Classic ASP and some ASP.NET database connections to pass the correct database provider
  • Updated SQL builder for ASP/PHP for support of DISTINCT in paged queries
  • Database Connection builder now does not show password visible per default. There is an eye icon to toggle that


  • Allow components to be inserted after some App Connect invisible elements like the data elements in the App Structure tree
  • If unknown errors occur those will be now shown in the output panel
  • New file is now directly marked as dirty


  • Updated LFTP to version 4.8.4 for Windows and Mac. This fixes some SFTP issues
  • Fixed Server Connect files upload if project path was ending with slash

App Connect

  • Improve changing App Connect scope from body to page and back
  • Improved invisible App Connect data components runtime rendering in dom

Extension Updates

  • New extension App Connect Notifications included. Allows you to send custom well styled notifications and alerts on chosen events. Full replacement of the old HTML5 Responsive Notify and much more.


  • Improved Wappler stability - in very rarely occasion it crashed on File New

Hooray!!!!! Great news indeed!


Very nice Wappler Showcase, @psweb! As one who primarily builds back end . dashboards I have total respect for the amount of work that went in to build that. Well done!


Wonderful, installing now, What an honour to be mentioned @George, thank you for all your support.

@brad, to be complimented on a backend I developed by you is such a feather in my cap, thank you so much. :blush:


Great update @George. Very happy about the columns in tabs! The fact that made it in this update blows my mind. Love support level you guys show and dedication to making Wappler an amazing program.

@psweb , damn you. I’m going to have to step my game up now. I thought I could do all my videos drunk, but now it looks like I’ll have to sober up a bit! Great job and love the addition of skipping to the parts somebody needs in the video. Brilliant thinking.


Haha. @drymetal, I am certain your more front end video training is going to be spectacular.
That skipping button was literally the only reason I built an entire website to be honest but I would love help from a person that actually understands the YouTube API v3 to assist me in even making it better. That API documentation might as well have been written in ancient Greek.

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Two days ago I reported an issue using DISTINCT with paged queries. The fix has made it into this update, but I had already received a fix from Patrick - two hours after I reported the problem!